42- More plotting

184 7 6

{ continued from previous}

Lionsroar. Wait! Fire- er heart!

Berryswag. *runs after Fireheart who is heading back to camp* we need to get back to the future

Lionsroar. Oh and what just happened

Fireheart. It's on my bucket list to break all the warrior code laws

Lionsroar. IDEA

Fireheart. Whoops

*just then a phone box appears*

[Jay.Time.Wizard logged on]

Jay.Time.Wizard. Yo

Lionsroar. Ok we are ready to go back to the future

Jay.Time.Wizard. At last!!!

*All future cats go into the time machine*

Fireheart. Oh when oh when will I see you all again

Jay.Time.Wizard. Probably next week

Berryswag. Yup. Time to go back.... AFTER VISITING THE DAWN OF THE CLANS

Jay.Time.Wizard. WAIT WHAT

Berryswag. *pressed button and they all disappear*

[Berryswag, Lionsroar, and Jay.Time.Wizard logged off]

Fireheart. That's sounds fun
*heads back to camp*

[Fireheart set his location to: camp]

[Whitestorm logged on]

Whitestorm. Fireheart! Where's Bluestar and the others?

Fireheart. Oh yeah... I started a four clan war at the gathering

Whitestorm. *attempts not to explode* *explodes*

[Bluestar and Everyone_Else logged on]

Bluestar. Good news! Only three fourths of us were seriously injured!

Yellowfang. Great more work for me woop woop CINDERPAWWWWWW

Cinderpaw. I'll get to work

Bluestar. Oh and on our way back we found these two very sick and contagious ShadowClan warriors and decided to invite them back to camp with us

Mousefur. Who decided that?

Bluestar. Merp me

[Littlecloud and Whitethroat logged on]

Whitethroat. We are sick and dying please help

Littlecloud. Disease! Disease in ShadowClan!

Yellowfang. THEY ARE carriNG the DISeaSE FROM ShaDOWCLAn Panictime

Bluestar. These cats are our guests and shall be treated with respect

Yellowfang. *throws a rock at both of them* BE GONE

Whitethroat. Fine we will go bug RiverClan about it

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