36- Bridge

234 10 4

{ continued from previous }

Fireheart. *yawns* patrol? But I was awake all night

Whitestorm. Too bad. There's a gathering tonight and I need to know if we can still make it with the floods everywhere. Go check with Tigerclaw and Longtail

Fireheart. Can Graystripe come?

Whitestorm. No, he's already asleep. NOW GO

[Whitestorm logged off and Longtail and Tigerclaw logged on]
[Fireheart updated his status to: exploring]

Tigerclaw. Looks like this flooded river is blocking our way to Fourtrees

Fireheart. *half awake* That's nice you little Marshmellow

Longtail. We'll have to go back to camp

Fireheart. Why's everyone acting like a Marshmellow today?

Tigerclaw. Hey Fireheart go cross the bridge of Marshmellow Destiny

Fireheart. *walks across a thin stick across the river* Marshmellowssssss *takes a selfie* *falls fully asleep and falls off of the bridge*

Tigerclaw. Lolzzzz

[Fireheart updated his status to: drowning]

Longtail. Tigerclaw are you going to save him?

Tigerclaw. No *chews on popcorn*

Longtail. Fine I will

Fireheart. I'll save you Spongebob! *dives into the river*

Tigerclaw. No

Longtail. Yes. We are Bros. I found my love of fanciness thanks to him

Tigerclaw. *throws popcorn at Longtail* no

Fireheart. Isn't this fish a cute little Marshmellow?

Longtail. *saves Fireheart*

Fireheart. Tigerclaw I didn't find my Marshmellow Destiny!

Tigerclaw. Longtail's fault

Fireheart. Bad Longtail *falls asleep*

Longtail. What should we do with him?

Tigerclaw. Not my problem... *walks away* we need to report to Bluestar, err, Whitestorm!

Longtail. *mindlessly follows him*

[Longtail And Tigerclaw logged off]
[Brackenpaw logged on]

Narrator. And now it's time for the adventures of Brackenpaw! First we'll join Brackenpaw with gathering moss for the elders like any normal and responsible apprentice would do!

Brackenpaw. *randomly turns around to face the camera* oh hi, I didn't notice you there *the crowd cheers and claps*

Narrator. Hi Brackenpaw! Tell us, what are your dreams and goals?

Brackenpaw. Well everyone knows that Whitestorm is getting *cough* super old. Old enough that he already has his elder powers! *crowd gasps*

Narrator. Luckily or the clan might as well starve!*crowd laughs*

Brackenpaw. So after he's... Joined our wonderful ancestors in StarClan someone has to keep this clan a bit sane or else we might be driven to the death by craziness!

Narrator. Interesting... Tell the wonderful viewers at home more

Brackenpaw. I hope that Firestar will choose me as his deputy so I can be just like Whitestorm! *smiles and his teeth sparkle*

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