35- Nights1 Chase

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Mousefur. *floors the Ferrari*

Sandstorm. Give up! Hand us back the ClawPolish!

Graypaw. Neverrr!! *aims the waffles canon at Bluestar's car while Firepaw is shooting waffles at Tigerstar's white van*


Graypaw(deep voice). Watch me *fires*

Mousefur. *Swerves the car avoiding the waffles* I HAVE A NEED FOR SPEED!!!

Firepaw. Brackenpaw! Try to keep the car on the road in the future!

Brackenpaw. Sorry! I've never driven a car before!!

[StarClanPolice logged on]

StarClanPolice*two cop cars are now chasing them* PULL OVER

Tigerclaw. Oh no! It's the StarClanPolice!! My worst fear!!

Longtail. I suppose my 47 bottles of ClawPolish are enough

Dustpelt. I suppose there are better ways to desperately impress Sandstorm

Darkstripe. Let's bail!

Tigerclaw. *turns the car around and drives back to camp*

[Tigerclaw'sGang logged off]

Bluefur. Why are the cops chasing us?

Brightpaw. Well Brackenpaw ran over more mailboxes than I can count and Mousefur's driving well over the speed limit!!

Bluefur. Oh

StarClanPolice. PULL OVER


Mousefur. *floors it all the way and passed Firepaw*

Firepaw. *lowers seats from the roof and the waffle canons go away and Graypaw does the same. Also takes back the wheel*

Graypaw. What are we going to do??

Firepaw. *floors it but is still behind the Ferrari*

Sandstorm. WATCH OUT!!

*all four cars are forced to stop when a bright light appears in the road, blinding all the cats. When the light dies, a phone box is left standing in the road. Everyone is too stunned to do anything at first*

*The door opens and a cat walks out. A gray Tom with a dark hooded cape on it, concealing most of his body and the top half of his face. On his face is a dashing smile that would make any fangirl faint as he rips off his hooded cape. As he look around with his bright blind blue eyes, Firepaw has no doubt that it is... A time wizard cat!!!*

*The time wizard's appearance changes as stripes appeared on his pelt and his eyes became unclouded.*

*Yes, dear reader as you may have guessed. It is Jayfeather changing into Jay's Wing because Jayfeather does not exist at the time*

[Jay.Time.Wizard logged on]

Jay.Time.Wizard. *looks around for a moment before his smile grin goes away and he turns his head back to the phone box* we didn't go far enough into future!!

*a voice replies that Firepaw doesn't catch but sounded something like 'Get back here!'*

*The mysterious cat returns his smile grin to the cats in the cars.*

Jay.Time.Wizard. (Deep dashing voice) hi

*Out of the first cop car, a cat steps out, Snowfur, Bluestar's Sister. Along with the other StarClanPolice cats, Spottedleaf and Lionheart*

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