chapter 1- Future Duchess

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Aurora had just turned thirteen when her and her family received awful news, her uncle from her father side along with her cousins had all died from a fire that took place at their country home. They were all devastated but that meant that her father had to take upon the responsibilities of becoming the new duke of Wellington and had to conceive a male heir for the future of the duked.

So then her father, lord Ian of Wintershire, became the duke of Wellington. The family took some months to grieve until her father had to leave the Americas to comply his duties. He started his journey after summer and decided that Aurora and his wife would join him a month later, after finishing some business they had in the Americas.

Unfourtunately, her father passed away during his trip to London. Aurora and her mother were devastated, and decided to join her aunt lady danbury in London. The passing of the new duke of Wellington meant that the last person that could take up his title was Aurora, but to be able to do that she had to wed a man. So her mother decided that with the help of lady danbury they would present Aurora to society when she was 21 years old and help her find a suitable man to become Duchess of Wellington.

A/N okay so this is just a little bit of Aurora's story and how she finished being in London and being presented to the London ton.

Let me know if you like it!

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