chapter 23- between your legs?

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Daphne and Aurora were promenading together as Daphne was explaining everything that had happened between her and Simon. 

D- And today I have found out through my brother that the prince has intentions to propose

A- Oh wow, so soon?

D- I know! Rory I do not know what to do, I fear I have true feelings for the duke but he doesn't

A- its okay Daph, take your time to think. If I am being honest, Simon does have the same feelings he just is to stubborn to break that stupid vow.

D- what vow?

A- that is not something that is up to me to say, truth is Daph the duke has genuine feelings for you, but I am afraid he doesn't have the same future plan like yours

D- what about you and Anthony? Do you see yourself in the future with him?

A- If I am being honest, I did see a future together. I do not know Daph, no offense, but your brother is hard to manage.

D- Indeed, but do not worry I can tell he genuinely cares about you. I am sure he will try his best to not to lose you.

A- I do not know, he is very controlling.

D- that he is. 

D- Rory, can I ask you a question?

A- Of course.

D- What do you know about the physical aspect from marriage- at this aurora awkwardly stared at her.

A- You mean marital intercourse?

D- What?

A- marital intercourse. Sure your mother or brother have told you about it.

D- I am afraid not.

A- Oh wow, if you are about to marry you should know Daph, I can not believe your mother did not warn you about it.

D- Warn me about what?- Daphne said scared

A- Oh, I do not know if its my place Daph.

A- please Rory, tell me, no one else will.

A- okey, so when you get married usually during the first night you sleep in the same bed as your husband, right?

D- Yes.

A- So- , I can not really think of a way to explain it, its like your bodies desire an specific touch from eachother.

D- Between your legs?- Daphne said thinking about what the duke told her

A- something like that, you'll find out eventually. No need to worry, my aunt says it comes naturally- aurora said as they dropped the subject

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