chapter 2- I hate mornings

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Aurora felt light sunshine rays on her face while she tried to cover her face with her pillow.

Mary (aurora's maid)- Miss wintershire you should get up today you are being presented to the society. You have to get ready!

A- Mary please leave me alone before I throw you this pillow- Aurora playfully replied

M- I know you are not the best of persons in the morning, but you should know that lady danbury is waiting for you to join her for breakfast- Mary jokingly said

A- okay I'll get up, but she must not expect me to get dressed

M- I Belive she never does, despite her insisting- Mary lightly chuckled

Mary was Aurora's personal maid and also one of the only persons her age Aurora trusted, with the exception of Daphne Bridgerton her best friend.

Aurora then got up and directed towards the breakfast room. When she entered she saw her mother and Lady Danbury lightly chatting at one end of the table full of food.

Danbury- look who decided to grace us with her presence- lady danbury teasingly said

A- good morning to you too- Aurora playfully said while placing a kiss onto her mother's cheek

D- I see you are not dressed

A- For how many times you say it auntie you know I'll never get dressed in the mornings unless there is a guest

Lily- well then after tomorrow you'll have to start getting dressed before breakfast- her mother kindly told her

A- and why would that be

D- Simon will be joining us for the season

A- Simon is coming?!- Aurora excitedly asked

L- yes my dear, he is arriving tonight after your debut- lily softly chuckled

A-oh for heavens, I forgot about my debut- aurora worriedly exclaimed

D- now relax my dear, everything is ready Mary will help you prepare and you will have to do what I've taught you this past years

L- yes that's right, walk, smile, curtsy, turn, walk - Aurora repeatedly said

L- now now there is no need to worry I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine Rory

A- could you imagine the Queen chose me as her diamond? however I wouldn't think she would, I think she'll rather chose Daphne. She is just so perfect I envy her gracefulness- Aurora rambled admiringly

D- or maybe you'll both be chosen as diamonds of the season

A- that is possible? Has it ever occurred?

D- I believe so

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now