chapter 11- I shall have more!

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the next day Aurora decided to pay a visit to Daphne since she did not have time during the promenade to speak with her. As she arrived to the drawing room of the bridgerton household she was announced as she entered.

V- how greatly to see you here dear, have you come to see Anthony? I'm afraid he is in his study

A- no, no, I've come here to see Daphne- Aurora said as her cheeks flushed red

V- ah very well, she is here playing her piano.

D- hey Rory, I'm so happy you are here, come and join me to the dressing room, I have to change dress since this one is dirty thanks to Gregory.

G- sorry sister

Aurora now followed Daphne to the dressing room, as she told her maids she would be dressing herself since she wanted to chat privately with Rory.

D- now Rory I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages. However I am well aware you know the truth between me and the duke. I trust with my whole heart you will not tell a soul.

A- Do not worry about that Daph, I find myself rather concerned for the two of you, what must happen if one of you find yourself in love? 

D- oh Rory do not worry neither I or the duke have intentions on marrying eachother- Daphne assured

A- that is exactly what he said

D- who?

A- My brother when I asked him the same question, he'd given me exactly the same answer as yours

D- Your brother?

A- the duke, you know I consider him as my brother

A- anyways, rest assured I'll make him sure he won't hurt you- Rory light-hearted said

D- Thank you Rory, you are the best friend I could ever ask for


As Daphne and Rory came back to the drawing room Hamelton announced

-Callers for miss Daphne

V-callers? but you already have a caller, the duke

D- well I suppose I shall have more now!

A- I must be going now, if one of my callers arrives before me, my aunt shall have my head- Rory jokingly said as she left.

On her way out she bumped with one very angry looking Anthony and lord berbook following closely behind.

As his eyes met hers his gaze softened

Anthony- my apologies Rory, I did not see you there- Anthony said with a warm smile as she retourned it

A- ist okay Anthony, but I am in a rush sorry

Anthony- then I shall speak to you later

A- you shall

Anthony was grateful Rory did not notice lord berbook, or else she would have caused a scene and would be mad at him. And then Rory left, making her way out from all the callers that had arrived.

A/N this chapter is kinda short and boring but I wanted to show a little more of Daphne and Rory.

I hope you guys like it! 

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now