chapter 7- walk through the park

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Simon and Aurora decided to ride their horses together in the park, he was teasing her on having a crush in lord waterton until they heard two voices arguing near them. they both turned around and saw the bridgerton siblings. As they approach them Aurora was well aware on what they were arguing, since she decided to have a chat with Daph after reading lady whistlesown that morning.

D-... entire life have reduced to a single moment. This is all I have been raised for. This... is all I am. I have no other value.

Aurora processed Daphne's words. She was right. Women didn't have a say in society and it was infuriating, She for example couldn't become Duchess unless she was married with a man. Which was ridiculous. As they reached the pair, Daphne left without seeing them.

A- look what you have done Anthony, I can't believe you, now she has no potencial suitors and its all your fault- Aurora said as she and Simon reached the Viscount.

Anthony- You should stay out of my family's affairs its none of your business, Aurora- Anthony harshly said

A.- it is if it concerns my best friend, you arse!- Rory angrily spat

S- okay okay I think we need to calm down- spoke Simon who had remained silent for the past 15 minutes.

A- no! its not okey for him to treat her like this

Anthony- How dare you insult how I treat my family, I seek the best for her

A- do you truly?- aurora spat out

A- I'm leaving to find her, Simon I'll see you at dinner- aurora said as she galloped towards Daphne who was slowly making her way home.

A- hey Daph

D- hey Rory

Aurora then consoled Daphne and assured her that they would find a solution to this as she mentally cursed Anthony.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now