chapter 26- Laurie

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Aurora spent the whole day thinking about Anthony. She couldn't stop thinking about his smile, his lips, his eyes, every little detail. The previous night she had found herself forgetting about pasts arguments, she hated it, she hated that she could so easily forgive him, but she could not stop herself. She hadn't left her bed until she heard her aunt coming in.

LD- dear Rory, how are you feeling?- said Lady Danbury and something about her tone made aurora think she knew she wasn't really sick.


LD- I was thinking you maybe would like to join me to a promenade with lady bridgerton, Daphne and the duke.

A- I am not feeling quite alright, perhaps another time.

LD- ok- Lady Danbury said as she left. 


After her aunt and mother left, aurora was reading calmly in the drawing room next to Mary.

X-Lord Waterton is here to pay a visit for Miss Wintershire

Aurora froze, she had completely forgotten about Laurie and felt terribly guilty. She then stood up realizing she was just wearing her night gown, now slightly embarrassed.

A- hey Laurie, what brings you here?- aurora said

L- have you forgotten? we were supposed to promenade together?- he said chuckling at her state

A- Oh! that is right, I am terribly sorry truth is today I am not feeling quite alright and with all the stress of the new up coming wedding of Simon my mind has been all over the place- she said feeling sorry

L- That is quite alright, nI shall see you when you get better- he said disappointed as he left the room.

Aurora then let out a big breath she did not know she was holding.

A- Oh fuck- aurora muttered

M- Aurora!

A- My apologies Mary, but I am just in such a big mess.

M- I can indeed see that, but you must truly go where your heart follows.

Aurora took into account what Mary said and spent the rest of the day thinking about Anthony and Laurie, she knew what her heart told her but her head stopped her. Why couldn't she be in love with Laurie? It was so easy with him, but she knew she couldn't do that to him.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now