chapter 14- ... bitch

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Aurora joined his side at the balcony.

Anthony- how was I such a fool. I should have listened to you Rory, you were right

A- you should, but you ended up doing the right thing Anthony I admire that from you. How you defended your sister, it truly opens my eyes and makes me see you are not an arse.

Upon hearing this Anthony lightly chuckled and found himself staring at her once again.

Anthony- does this mean I'm forgiven?

A- you could say that- aurora said while looking at him, they were quite close as he grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled behind her ear. Aurora could feel butterflies in her stomach.

V- what on earth are you two doing here alone unchaperoned!. Rory consider yourself lucky it was me who came or else your reputation would be ruined.

Anthony- I'm sorry mother we were just chatting I shall take my leave now

A- yes me too, I am truly sorry lady bridgerton, you are right we shouldn't have been so careless, I'f you'll excuse me I must find the duke and my aunt


Aurora was sitting beside Daphne in the bridgerton's tent where she had been invited by lady bridgerton, since her own mother couldn't attend and lady danbury was not feeling the spirits to go either.

She was trying to ease Daphnes mind as Cressida Cowper walked by and murmured about Daphne and lord berbrooke.

A- bitch- aurora muttered under her breath loud enough for Cressida to hear, but she pretended to not. At this Benedict laughed as Daphne stared at the girl.

D- you should not say such things!

A- well I could care less for what Cressida thinks of me, she is just jealous that you and me are the season's diamonds.

Aurora watched as Anthony played with his younger siblings, he looked rather charming, she thought. Then Anthony turned around and caught aurora as she miserably tried to pretend she was looking at a bee, she could see it didn't work as he was smirking towards her. Until he saw the look her sister had and decided to approach both ladies.

Anthony- I was not aware, sister, of what berbrooke attempted

aurora feeling this was a private conversation turned her attention to Benedict with whom she chatted quite animatedly. She then saw Daphne get up and start promenading with Simon, but she continued her conversation with Benedict.

Anthony- Rory would you join me to a promenade?

A- It would be my pleasure- Aurora excused herself from Benedict as she took Anthony's arm and start strolling through the park.

Anthony- you look lovely today

A- well thank you, it is not usual of you to compliment me, whatever has gotten into you?

Anthony-I wish to speak to you about something

A- and what would that be?

Anthony- I would like to be your accompanying to your next ball, if that were okay with you?- Anthony said staring deeply into her eyes, which made her heart tingle. He was nervous, as he tried to figure out what aurora would say.

A- I would love to

Anthony- perfect- Anthony exclaimed happily.

Anthony and aurora then proceeded to discuss who was a better horse rider, Anthony swearing he would bet her in a race. But their fun was ruined when lord berbrooke approached the  bridgertons tent

they both rapidly reached the tent aswell us the duke and Daphne

LB- I bring cheerful news, Bridgertons. I have taken matters in my own hands and sought a special license for my wedding to Miss Bridgerton.

A- who do you think you are, you ars- aurora said feeling the anger boil up reaching lord berbrooke

-Rory calm down- Both Simon and Anthony said at the same time

D- there is to be no wedding- Daphne said

Anthony- I told you. The arrangement is canceled

LB- If I was you Lord bridgerton I imagine you would have instructed your sister to take better care than to encourage certain attentions while alone with me on the dark walk at Vauxhall. Of course mere hearsay of such scandal could wreak havoc.

A- you wouldn't dare, you motherf- aurora was cut off by Benedict pulling her away.

the bridgerton family continued to discuss with lord berbrooke as Benedict pulled away aurora.

B- Rory although I agree with your insults I must beg you to stop

A- you are right Ben, my carriage is here and I know must return. May you please tell Daphne I'll visit her later on?

B- of course

A/N- omg I can't believe it we reached 1.2K READINGS!!! I'm so excited, I am glad you guys are enjoying this book and I am trying to post as many chapters as I can. 

In this chapter we have a little bit more of aurora and Anthony, what do you guys think? they are going to be a little bit of slow burn and I like the fact that they both are stubborn so they argue a lot, but in the end fix it. Idk we'll see how this goes.

Hope you like it!

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