chapter 13- Lord berbrooke

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D-Would it pain you to wear some color, Your Grace?- Aurora's aunt said as she and her came out dressed for the ball. Aurora slightly laughed at her aunt's remarks.-The London season is already terribly monotonous as it is. Must your wardrobe do the same?

S- I was told this look is all the rage

D- certainly not mine. Now take Rory's arm, before you make us late- she said as she grabbed Rory's mother arm.

They arrived to the ball and Rory could sense that Daphne and Anthony were right behind her and Simon. As they turned they came upfront.

A- Daphne such a delight to see you now if you'll excuse me I believe my mother is waiting for me- she said not even sparing a glance to Anthony, as Daphne looked in confusion

S- A dance, Miss bridgerton?

Danbury (just to not confuse her from Daphne)- I shall need someone else to seek me a glass of ratafia, then. Lord bridgerton... do me the honor?

Anthony- of course, Lady Danbury- Anthony said annoyed.

When the duke and Daphne started dancing Daphne was still wondering at her best friends coldness towards her older brother.

D- I was wondering if you knew what happened between Rory and Anthony?

S- I believe she is quite frustrated at him for engaging you to lord berbrook

D- is that the cause of their coldness towards eachother?

S- I believe so

Daphne then smiled realizing how much her friend cared for her


Aurora was speaking to Benedict bridgerton, they were discussing the decoration of the ball as Anthony came and grabbed Benedict by his arm.

Anthony- Go dance with your sister

B- why?- Benedict confusedly said

Anthony- Because I say so

Benedict- goodbye Aurora

Aurora- goodbye ben- aurora warmly said- now may I ask why would you interrupt my beautiful conversation with your brother- aurora spat

Anthony was quite shocked at the change of tone- I need to speak with your brother- As he said  that, Simon convientelly appeared. 

Anthony- perhaps I was unclear this morning- Anthony said towards Simon as they walked side by side, Aurora following closely behind.

S-Is it your wish for me to insult your sister, birdgerton?

Anthony-On the contrary

S- You wish your sister to marry a loathsome toad, then.

Lord berbrook- Lord bridgerton

A- I'm sorry, I believe this was a private conversation- Aurora finally intervened

LB- forgive the intrusion-Nigel said ignoring aurora

A- not forgiven- Aurora muttered quietly

LB-but if need be, I will happily restate my intentions with respect to your sister. She is a prize I have long coveted for her beauty, for her grace

S-For her powerful right hook- Simon interrupted as Aurora tried to contain her laughs

LB- I must know whether  I can count on you to handle this misunderstanding, my lord? I certainly wish to avoid any kind of embarrassment.

A- rather late for that- aurora said as the duke sightly chuckled.

LB- are you too friendly with the duke of Hastings and Duchess of Wellington or simply intimidated by their rank,  my lord?

Anthony- easy, berbrooke. I assured you I will resolve the matter, I matter which I shall remind the duke and Miss wintershire is none of their concern.

S- perhaps you are not the authority on what concerns me, nor the matter on Lord berbrooke's character.

LB- I shall do my best by your sister, bridgerton

A- arse- aurora soon realized Anthony was not aware of what berbrooke tried with Daphne in the dark passages of the gardens at Vauxhall

S- Do come off ir, Berbrooke. I presume he failed to mention how he got that purple eye

LB- I was careless with a cabinet door

A- yeah sure, he was careless with his honor

S- he attempted something last night I san't dignify with words when your sister planted a facer. 

A-Deservedly so.- aurora said proud of her friend

LB- My lord you must know

Anthony- Daphne would have told me if this were to be true

Aurora sighed frustrated- would she?

Anthony- You will never speak to my sister again, Berbrooke

LB-but we are to be married

Anthony- You are to be buried if you so much as look in her direction- in that moment aurora forgot her previous anger as she looked at Anthony admiringly. It took him time but he needed up doing right by his sister, and she loved who he defended her with such pride.

Then Daphne came and Aurora explained everything that had happened.

D-you told him?

S-I was trying to help

Aurora sensing a argument decided to leave and find Anthony.

He found him outside in the balcony.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now