chapter 6- annoying callers

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Mary tried to shake awake Aurora as she was still sleeping under all her duves as the duke knocked on the door.

S- is she still sleeping?

M- Your grace- Mary bowed- my apologies, I cannot wake her up

S- no need to apologize she is heavy sleeper I'll wake her up while you prepare her dress

M- of course

Then Simon proceeded to smack Rorys face with a pillow, the only reaction being light snores coming from Rory, then he repeated his actions to which she woke up and threw him a pillow.

A- why on earth are you here waking me up this early

S-your callers sister, they are about to arrive- Simon considered her sister and they would often call eachother that

A- ugh I don't want to- aurora said as she felt a hand grabbing her leg and throwing her to the floor

A- You bastard- Aurora said as Simon was laughing

S- now get ready or lady danbury will be mad


Her house was full of callers who came bearing gifts and flowers and aurora found herself engaging conversation with all of them, and she started to become aware of how bored she was. She had talked to more than 25 suitors which all seem too boring, most of them just wanted to speak to her because she was the future duchess and would make them a duke. Although she did like the company of one of them who did not seem such an arse, Lord Waterton. He was quite young and she was sure it was the first time that she had seen him, she rather enjoyed his company he was the only one to bring anything interesting to the conversation but she hadn't had much chance to get to know him better because he had to leave in a hurry.

 He was quite young and she was sure it was the first time that she had seen him, she rather enjoyed his company he was the only one to bring anything interesting to the conversation but she hadn't had much chance to get to know him better because...

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