chapter 32-butterflies

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Anthony and Aurora started on a official courtship, and each day fell more in love. The day after Daphne's and Simon's departure Aurora was feeling really lonely so she decided to visit the bridgerton house.

As soon as she arrived she said hi to everyone and entered the drawing room.

LB- Rory dear whatever brings you here?

A- I was actually look..

B- He is in his study- Benedict interrupted smiling innocently as aurora blushed in embarrassment

LB- I see- lady brisgerton said with a smirk- I shall keep an eye on you two.

So then Aurora run away as fast as she could to save herself from further embarrassment and she entered Anthony's study.

Anthony raised his eyes from some documents he was working on, he was wearing glasses and aurora thought he look rather handsome with his glasses, he looked surprised to see her.

Anthony- whatever you are doing here Rory?

A- I was bored- she said as she laid down on the small couch.

Anthony chuckled- I see, but I do not see how being here might get you to be less bored

A- I thought bothering you would keep me entertained, don't you think so?

Anthony- Is that so?

Aurora nodded as she continued to stare at Anthony.

Anthony- well I know with Daphne's and the duke's absence you have nothing else to do during your free time, but if you could stop staring- Anthony said chuckling

A- I could, but I rather not, you see why on earth would I not want to stare at your beautiful face?

Anthony- throwing compliments, I see- Anthony said suspiciously- right, now, what do you want?- Anthony said with a smug smile, he knew her too well.

Aurora groaned feeling busted, truth is she knew Anthony was busy today with business, the only reason she came here was to see if she could convince him to let her ride his horse. Her horse was currently not at her auntie's house, and she always wanted to try Anthony's beautiful strong black horse, Fenix. But Daphne had told her that he would never let anyone touch it, she only hoped he would change his mind.

A- Alright, I came down here to see if you maybe would like to let me, the most beautiful person on the world that you love with your whole heart, ride your horse Fenix ? maybe? please I am begging you- she said in whispers eyes glowing with hope

Anthony thought about it, he would never let his siblings or his mother near his horse, but Aurora was different, he would do anything for her and to see her happy.

Anthony- sure- he said calmly while scanning through some documents.

Aurora's eyes went wide- are you saying yes??!!

Anthony-I am, but you must be careful and I'll send Harrington to help and check on you. Alright?

A- Yes, yes, yes!- aurora squeeled like a little girl- thank you, thank you- she runned to hug Anthony. At first he tensed but then he relaxed in her embrace smelling her rose perfume as he felt butterflies in his stomach.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now