chapter 36

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Aurora was in the drawing room with Colin, Anthony, Benedict and lady bridgerton dressed for a ball.

Colin- Miss Thompson must be in agonies over these lies. Why can I not visit her?

LB- Colin--

Anthony- Listen to me.Brother. That the ton devours every bit of Whistledown's on-dit is the only thing keeping this family from shame. Because of her, no one believes you are the father of Miss Thompson's child. But if you were to go near her,They'll presume you responsible and all your sister will pay the price. Is this what you desire?

Aurora felt she should not intervene as it was more of a family's business.

Colin- Of course not, but--Colin was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Daphne- Evening, everyone.

LB- Dearest!

A- Daphne!- aurora said running to hug her tightly.

Anthony- What are you doing here? Should you not be frolicking in newlywed bliss?

Daphne- I came as swiftly as our carriage would allow when I heard the news.

Ben- Hastings must surely be cursing the bridgerton name for this- Benedict said as Aurora chuckled.

A- Where is he, anyhow?- aurora asked excited to see him again.

Daphne- He went to set up Hastings House- aurora could tell something was up but prefered to not interrupt.

Anthony- We do not require your assistance, sister.

A- That is simply not true, Anthony.

LB- Daphne and Aurora may be the answer to all our problems. Once the ton see we have the favor of the duke and the duchesses, then the whispers may very well cease. And we shall go on with our daily lives.

Anthony- well now that Daphne has returned I think it might not be the best moment, but I will announce it anyways we were waiting the return of the duke and duchess. Me and Aurora are now engaged.

Aurora's eyes shot wide- Anthony!- she scolded- This was most definetely not the best moment, to announce our engagement!- she said as Anthony shrugged. Aurora had already told her mother and Auntie and now that Anthony's family also knew it was just Simon missing.

LB- Oh! wow! Wasn't expecting it to be so soon, I am so happy

Daphne- Congratulations, both of you she said as she embraced both of them

Colin- congrats

Benedict- congratulations- he said as he embraced Rory.

LB- You must announce it official as soon as you can, then surely with the futures duke and duchess of Wellington and the duke and duchess of Hastings the whispers may completely cease, and we shall go about our daily lives as if nothing has happened.

Daphne-And no one will be the wiser. Pretending nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. Is it not mama?- Daphne said as aurora looked at her confused.

Aurora- If it helps to diverse the attention We can announce our engagement tomorrow after I inform Simon- aurora said trying to help

Daphne- Now what grand event will the ton be descending upon this week?

LB- The, um--The queen is hosting a luncheon.

Daphne- I am certain the duke and I can secure an invitation. I am sure Rory and Anthony have also got one, they can make their announcement there. If we are lucky, our return to London and their engagement will give everyone so much to talk about, They simply have no breath left to discuss other matters.

Colin- I'm so very glad this has all been settled on my behalf-Colin said storming away

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