chapter 10- promenades

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off those not in attendance at the Vauxhall celebration you missed the most remarkable cups of the season, it appears the diamonds of the season have captured the interest of both the duke of Hastings and the Viscount bridgerton himself. It appears that Lady bridgerton will be more certainly happy of having to incorporations of either the duke of Hastings and the future Duchess of Wellington. How the misses secured her newfound suitors is yet to be determined. Yet if anyone shall reveal the circumstances of this match it is I.

yours truly...

Lady whistledown


A- Ahh!- aurora screamed annoyed

S- what's wrong?- Simon rushed to the drawing room where aurora was pacing from one side to another

A-this stupid author, thanks to her the whole London ton thinks that me and Anthony are acquainted- aurora snapped throwing the paper to the trash angrily.

A- and by the way, you still have to explain to me what happened between you and Daph- said aurora much more calmly 

S- there is nothing to tell

aurora raised an eyebrow knowingly- tell. me. now

S- okay if you must know, Daphne and I aren't actually in a real courtship

A- I'm sorry. I don't seem to understand?

S- we found a solution for both of our problems, making her look desirable and me unavailable 

A- ohh.. are you sure this is a good idea? what if one of you starts feeling something for the other?

S- neither of us wishes to marry eachother, we will be fine sister

A- I'm not quite sure of that


D- come on Rory, you must wake up we shall join Simon on his promenade with Daphne and Lady bridgerton- Aurora's aunt said knocking on Rory's door and was surprised to see her niece come out already dressed and her hair perfectly brushed as her curls were pinned back.

A- I'm ready

D- I can see that, wherever did you find this energy early in the morning

A- I am eager to see Daph, I have to talk to her about serious matters- aurora softly replied

D- well lets make a haste then

A- will mother be joining us?

D- no she will not, she has some business to attend at the duked

A- okay- aurora started thinking, she hoped the Viscount did not join Daphne and her mother on the promenade, as she was nervous to see him again.

As they arrived  along Simon she saw Daphne and her mother next to the Viscount. Her breath seemed to hitch as she glared to her aunt.

A- auntie you did not tell me that Anthony would be joining us- aurora said calmly to not draw to much attention as her aunt innocently replied

D- did I not? I must have forgotten

Aurora started to get nervous as she and the viscount did not see eachother since their four dances at the Vauxhall event.

Anthony open seeing her also glared at her mother.

Anthony- mother you did not tell me Aurora would be joining us  at the promenade, this will only increase the rumors of us two.

V- I did not know she would be coming- Lady bridgerton lied

Anthony was caught up once again lovestruck staring at her, he broke off with Siena many weeks ago and he did not truly know the reason until now. It was because of Aurora, as much did the Viscount try to convince herself that he loathed her, she actually liked the girl. He remembered her rose scent when they were dancing.

As soon as they arrived Simon and Daphne walked ahead of the group engaging a private conversation and left aurora and Anthony by themselves. The silent was quite awkward until Anthony spoke.

Anthony- I wished to speak to you after the events at the Vauxhall celebration

Aurora nodded showing him that she was listening as he continued.

Anthony- truth being told Aurora

A- Rory, you may call me Rory 

Anthony smiled as he continued- okay, Rory - the awkward tension from before instantly disappeared- truth being told 

he stoped he didn't know what to say

Anthony- truth being told I was jealous at you dancing with Lord Waterton, I can't quite explain myself, but I care for you even though I- I-

Anthony stuttered with his words, what was he doing?, he thought

Anthony- You know what never mind I am sorry I don't know what overcame me

A- Anthony, no its okay please, I've been feeling the same way actually. I tried to convince myself that I should loath you for what you said about my brother and how you treated Daphne, but now I can truly see that you were just looking out for your sister even though not in the best way- aurora chuckled 

Anthony- forgive me, your brother?

Aurora- ah yes I am sorry I didn't specify, I meant Simon he is like a brother to me so I am costumed to call him such

Anthony- I hadn't realized how close you and Hastings were, I apologize if I insulted him he truly is a good friend but I still do not see him as a good match for my sister

A- And why would that be?- Aurora harshly said, feeling anger boiling up again on her

Anthony- since I know first-hand he does not intend to marry- aurora relaxed, I'd made sense now

A- ah, I know but maybe Daphne would make him change his mind- aurora said even aware of the ruse

Anthony and Aurora then spent the rest of their promenade laughing and enjoying each other's company as aurora's aunt and his mother were inspecting both of the couples.

Anthony and Aurora then spent the rest of their promenade laughing and enjoying each other's company as aurora's aunt and his mother were inspecting both of the couples

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