chapter 20- art display

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Aurora was at the art display as she saw the prince approach her.

Your highness- Aurora bowed- what a delight to find you here- she said kindly

PF- I was hoping to see you today

A- Were you?

PF- Yes, you look lovely today.

A- Thank you- aurora said kindly

PF- I was left quite embellished with your beauty- the prince said while looking at her as she embarrassedly blushed- So I asked my aunt about you, I had no idea that you were a Duchess.

A- Well, yes I am to be the duchess of Wellington after I wed- aurora said

PF- I was left rather disappointed, I was hoping You could join me back in Prussia- the prince said honestly- but know I see you have your own obligations here

A- Yes, unfortunately I have no other choice. I am flattered you would think me as a choice for your future wife, your highness. If I shall have the time and If you would like so, in the future I would like to visit Prussia.

PF- I would only hope so, I would enjoy someone's company like yours and I would undoubtedly give you the best tour- the prince said chuckling

Aurora started to like the prince's company, and she started to think as him as a friend.

PF- Might I ask you a question?

A- Of course, your highness- aurora said

PF- Do you believe Miss brigerton would be interested in me- aurora didn't know what to say, she could feel that the duke and Daphne were getting close to eachother, but this still was a perfect opportunity for Daphne and she did not want to ruin it.

A- I believe she would

PF- Then I shall go talk to her right now- he said with I smile- goodbye Miss Wintershire


Aurora was In a room alone admiring some art displays, she heard some footsteps come up to her  and she thought it would be Simon. As she turned around with a wide grin.

A- Simon, finally- aurora said excitedly eager to tell him about her and Laurie. But much to her surprise she found Anthony there, looking at her.

A- Ugh, its you- aurora said rolling her eyes.

Anthony- aurora I am truly sorry- Anthony said- for these past days I- I- I had- I had this feeling that made me realize how wrong I was- he said honestly

Aurora scoffed- Oh, did you now? Anthony, honestly, just leave me alone - aurora said, as much as she wanted to talk to him figure out if her feelings are genuine she was still mad at him and at this moment, she didn't want to talk to him.

Anthony paid no attention to her previous comment as he became closer to her, she backed away not wanting to be in such proximity to him until she hit the wall with her back. She was cornered. Anthony came closer to her, he didn't push her against the wall but he was in a dangerous closeness. 

She could feel his breath and it made her go crazy.

Anthony- Must you always cloud my mind? Must you never let me think, breath, eat without you coming into my mind? I can not stop thinking of you, Rory- he said and Aurora was left speechless.

A- I- I- I don't- aurora didn't know what to say, he had traped her and all she could think of was his lips. Then they both heard voices, as they separated, but no one came inside.

A- This is not fair- aurora said almost whispering

Anthony- what is not fair?

A- You! you don't get to do this, you don't get to be an arse and then apologize and charm your way back, pretend that nothing happened!- she said breathless as Anthony looked at her.

Anthony- I'm sorry

A- its always the same, You can not expect me to just go back like nothing happened everytime, I will not be that girl!- aurora said as she left.

She couldn't believe, they always got into these big fights for the smallest things. She was frustrated that her and Anthony couldn't have a normal relationship. 


Aurora had not said anything in all morning as her mother, aunt and Simon were worrying for her. They had all tried to engage conversation with her, but were left to her silence.

S- Lady Danbury I believe something is troubling Rory- he said as he watched her through the window while she was reading.

D- Yes, I've got that feeling too. But I think I already know the answer.

S- What might it be?- the duke asked

D- Are you really that clueless?

S- I believe I am 

D- Its clear something is going on between her and the Viscount.

S- I see- Simon said worrying for what his friend might have done to his sister.

Her mother made her way towards her and sat down next to her as she glanced up her book.

L- What is troubling you? my dear- her mother asked

A- I don't know mama, I can not truly explain this feeling of sadness- she said sighing

L- Does it have to do with the Viscount?

A- How did you know?

L- Lady Danbury told me what has been going on lately, Rory you must not worry there are plenty other men

A- I know mama but its just, ugh I hate him! but I also lo- aurora stopped herself-  I- I care about him, and I don't know why because we always end up fighting, mama its exhausting

L- I know dear, I know- lily said while cooking her

A/N one of my favorite chapter, what do you guys think?

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