chapter 28-embarrasing

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Until the door flew open.

LB- Oh my lord!- lady bridgerton exclaimed as aurora and Anthony quickly separated.

LB- Do you not think we have enough with what's happened with your sister!- said lady birdgerton- Rory, dear, go join others to dinner. And perhaps try to fix your hair- she said noticing aurora's hair was messed up because of Anthony's hand.

Anthony- It was not her fault mama, I take on full responsabilty - aurora heard him say as she was leaving to go back to dinner.

She arrived and sat between Simon and Lady Danbury.

LD- Where were you Dear?- Lady Danbury said with a smirk that let aurora know she probably figured out

A- I was just getting refreshed at the bathroom- aurora lied

D-What happened to your hair?- Daphne asked as she was sitting across

A- I.. Uhh

then Anthony came in also a little bit messed up.

Anthony- Sorry I am late, I was finishing some late urgent business- he said as Daphne gave Aurora a knowing and shock look, but she shook it off.

During the whole dinner Aurora could not even look at the Viscount or his mother from embarrassment. 

The dinner was tranquil but everyone could notice the tension between the Viscount and Aurora, except for Greogory and Hyacint who were having a food fight.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now