chapter 15- Horrible man

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The next morning Aurora joined Daphne at the bridgerton manor to consol her.

A- its okay Daph, I'm sure we'll find a solution- aurora said while she cooed her best friend who was sobbing

D- there is no solution I am to marry that horrid man or else I would create a big scandal for my family- Daphne said desperately. Lady bridgerton then joined them.

V- Rory, Daphne, dears, would you join me at tea with lady berbrooke?

D- yes mama, we will- Daphne said sadly

V- Rory, could you make sure to bring your maid?

A-Yes of course she is already here

V- perfect!- lady bridgerton exclaimed as Daphne and Rory looked at her confusingly


After the tea Aurora understood why Lady bridgerton insisted on Mary being there.

V-What have you found?

D- What is going on?- asked Daphne

V- you could not think I'd ask that woman for tea without a thought for you, could you? The help hears everything, as we all know.

R- She has a good deal, in fact.- Daphne's maid said- Lord Berbrooke has a boy by one of his maids that he refused to provide for.

M- sent the maid and child away to live off scraps- Mary said

-Horrible man- The bridgertons housekeeper said

V- horrible enough for us to be rid of him, let us pray.

D- Well, he- he will only deny it. And who will believe a group of women over a man's word?

A- perhaps no one. But they will if Lady Whistledown does. So we shall do what women do.- aurora said

V- we shall talk- lady brigerton said.

And they spread the rumor until they arrived Lady Whistledown's ears.

It has come to this author's attention that the ton is abuzz with a most sordid tale. It is said one cannot judge a book by its cover. But in the case of the bumbling Barob berbrooke, it seems his displeasing appearance is quite an apt metaphor for the state of affairs in his household. I would not be surprised if Lord berbrooke were called away to the country on alleged business. Business which, perhaps, might involve sending some much overdue funds to one former maid and young boy, who we can only hope takes after his mother.


As aurora was getting ready she heard her mother come inside.

L- there is someone waiting for you to join him outside- her mother said while giving her a questioning look.

A- ah, yes, the Viscount, he has offered to accompany me to the ball- aurora said

L- And why was I yet to receive the news that the Viscount was courting my daughter?

A- because we are not courting, mama- aurora said

L- four dances at the Vauxhall ball, two promenades, and now he is accompanying you to a ball. I think he is courting you, my dear

Aurora then stopped to think- perhaps he is- she said in a whisper which her mother managed to hear.

L- alright then, make a haste. I will not be able to join you but Lady Danbury will chaperon you.

A- okay mama- aurora said as she left only to be greeted by Anthony

Anthony- you look splendid Rory

A- well thank you Anthony, you look rather handsome yourself- Aurora said while blushing

Anthony offered his arm as aurora took it and they climbed in the carriage along lady Danbury

D- how is Daphne doing? I bet she is delighted to now that Lord berbrooke left town- Lady Danbury said

Anthony- she is indeed, but it was all my mother's doing

D- I bet it was

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now