chapter 19- art displays

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A/N in the next chapter we get to see a little bit more of Anthony and aurora, finally! I know guys but im trying to make it a slow burn because I prefer to not rush it. This is more a little bit boring chapter, but tomorrow I will publish the next one as soon as I get a chance. Let me know what you think!

E- quite dull, would you not agree?- Eloise said next to Penelope and Aurora.

A- Yes, I would- aurora said dozing off as she saw the viscount passing by near them.

P- It is terribly familiar, yet I am sure this is the first time I have seen it.

E-That is because, like all of these paintings, it was done by a man who sees a women as a decorative object. Wouldn't you agree Rory?

A-huh? sorry, yes I would totally agree- aurora said still in trance from seeing Anthony. She thought to approach him but she was not going to fall again, she deserved an apology for his behavior from last ball.

P- I think my mama is calling me.

E- She is busy with Miss Thompson.

P- I will return shortly. Wait here.

E- odd

A- yeah, whatever has gotten into her?

Aurora then left Eloise to her thoughts as she saw her aunt approaching Benedict.

B- it's much too cold. Where's any sense of the subject's spirit? And the light! Given the quality, I do wonder why the piece was not skied with the other daubs.- Benedict said as aurora tried to contain a laugh since she knew that her auntie was up to.

D- perhaps we should ask the artist- her aunt said

B-That would be something, Lady Danbury.

D- Mm.. Mr Granville, why was your piece not skied- her aunt said as aurora exploded into laughter and Benedict gave her a glare.

B- Mr Granville I-

MG- If you will excuse me, um I must find my wife.- Mr Granville said as Benedict looked at him with an open mouth.

B- You diabolical.. How could you let me rattle on like that?

A- How could she not Ben? Admit it, it was fun.

B- Fun?- ben asked

D-It was riotously funny, you must admit.- her aunt said taking aurora's arm and dragging her away.

D- now my dear Rory, My question is why do I seem to perceive something is going on between you and the Viscount?

A- there is nothing going on, auntie, never was- aurora said as her aunt raised and eyebrow

D- You might be able to fool your mother but you are most certainly not fooling me, now go on dear

A- He is just such an arse, he is the most stubborn and eccentric person I've ever met. He just goes on and on about how he wants to control everything and everyone auntie. He wanted to control Simon, Daphne and now me . And I will not allow it.

D- Fair enough.

A- Fair enough? no comments to make? no secretly advice you always give to make the others follow it? no manipulation? auntie, are you feeling alright?- aurora asked genuinely concerned

D- I am feeling quite alright dear, but I do get the feeling maybe the connection I saw between you and the viscount was inexistant- Lady Danbury said as she left Rory, her aunt knew that what she had just said would push Rory to find out if their connection truly never existed.

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