chapter 35-

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Aurora was excited to tell her auntie and mother the news, she had agreed with Anthony that they would announce it publicly when Daphne and Simon returned from their Honeymoon.

But when she arrived home she recognized the voice of Laurie, she had forgotten all about him and felt truly guilty. So she decided to hide her engagement ring in her bag, wanting to talk with him before.

A- Laurie.

LW- Oh hey Aurora, I was waiting for you. I just returned a couple of days ago from my trip and thought to come and catch up. Your aunt has been so kind to offer me some tea- he said smiling brightly as ever which only made Aurora feel more guilty.

A- Yes, how was your trip?- she said as she was sitting down next to him.

LW- It was splendid, Business going perfectly. But I feel you have something else to discuss.

A- Yes, Indeed, I am truly sorry Laurie but we really haven't got to known eachother that well during this season. And as You know I must wed a man by the end of the season. Although I must sadly inform you another man has taken my heart, you were a gentleman to me and I will always appreciate that. But unfortunately my feelings take me somewhere else. I do hope we remain friends, I could not forgive myself if I heard nothing of you in the future.

LW- I see- he said dissapointment not failing to come through his voice

A- I am very sorry, Laurie I should have told you before.

LW- Its alright, I could not expect you to wait for me. May I ask who this man may be?

Aurora sighed- Anthony bridgerton.

LW- I see, I shall take my leave now, Aurora it was nice knowing you.

A- I hope we can become friends.

LW- I also hope so-he said as he left


As soon as Aurora heard about Miss Thompson's betrayal to Colin she ran as fast as she could to the bridgerton's house. She managed to catch Lady Bridgerton and Eloise.

A- Hello lady bridgerton, Eloise. How is Colin holding up? is he alright?

LB- I cannot assure you that, If you would like to join us to the modiste we will share every detail. And like this maybe with the support of a Duchess the scandal won't grow much, Do you think your mother  would like to join us?

A- Yes! of course we would do anything to help your family -she said getting in the carriage along Eloise and Lady Bridgerton.

E-This scandal could very well tarnish my debut, Mama.Pephaps we should delay my coming out altogether a few years.- Eloise said as Aurora lightly chuckled.

LB- Hush child, all will be well.

Lily- yes do not worry lady bridgerton in a week everyone will have forgotten all about this, I assure you- Aurora's mother said calming Violet.

LB- I would only hope so.

E- Can smile be enough to save the Featheringtons? Penelope and her sister did nothing wrong, but their reputation's destroyed.

LB- You should be worrying about your own family's fortunes.

A- It's this Whistledown.

Madame Delacroix- I certainly never want to cross the woman.Her word as good as gospel- the modiste said while continuing to measure Eloise's dress.

LB- Yes.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now