chapter 5- Danbury ball

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Aurora was receiving guests until she caught on her eye Daphne coming inside chaperoned by her brother and mother.

A- Daph you have arrived, I'm so glad I was starting to get bored-Aurora said as she came near to them

D- don't worry your savoiur is here- Daphne playfully said

Anthony had been too caught up in his mind staring at the beautiful Aurora who was standing infront of him, yes they had met on several occasions when she visited Daphne. But he was always to busy to notice her beauty.

D-I Believe you have already met my brother

A- Oh my apologies- Aurora said when she remember she hadn't received her best friend's chaperones- Lord Bridgerton Lady Bridgerton excuse my enthusiasm to see Daphne, Its lovely to see you here.

V- No worries

Antony- its a pleasure to be here- Anthony said while smiling at her and kissing her hand

Aurora sightly blushed as she tried to hide it, but lady bridgerton noticed it.

A- anyways I have great news to report, especially for Daphne, my dear friend Si- no, sorry, the duke of Hastings is here and I believe he would make a most perfect suitor for Daph

Anthony- The duke of Hastings as Simon Basset?

A- yes, he is somewhere around here I believe

V- well that is most wonderful thank you Rory

A-i'll make sure to introduce him to Daph as soon as I have the chance, now if you will excuse me I believe my aunt is looking for me have an enjoyable evining

V- we will most certainly have


Aurora had been dancing for the past 30 minutes as she already started to feel her feet hurt, she loved dancing of course but she hated the shoes her aunt and mother made her wear. She had attempted to escape the dancing and join her best friend who had yet to participate in the dancing but her mother obliged her to stay dancing. Until she finally saw the chance, when her mother was talking to one of her friends she made her way through and towards Daph and her brother, Anthony.

She made her way towards them.

A- Daph finally, I can't take it anymore my feet hurt too much of dancing.

D- I wish I could say the same

A- Why is it that I have yet to see you dance I know you love it

D- I don't know you should ask my brother who has yet to allow me to dance

Anthony- everything at its time sister

A- its okay Daph I don't think you are missing much

Aurora was chatting with the two siblings as her mother was approaching her with a suitor

A- oh no help please my mother is coming with another suitor, I can't bare having another meaningless conversation- Aurora exclaimed as Anthony and Daphne chuckled

Then she saw her solution for her and Daphnes problem.

A- Anthony please I 'm begging you help me

Anthony- How would I help you- Anthony cluelessly said as Aurora smiled mishevously at Daphne, who in between them shared knowing glances

A- Have a dance with me I beg you, I could not take another boring suitor of those

Anthony- oh no no, I believe not I don't dance and besides I have to help my sister- Anthony said as Aurora paid no attention and dragged him to the dance floor winking to Daphne

A- Daph will be fine- aurora said as they where already on the dance floor and he had no more options except to dance which he found amusing and annoying at the same time.

As they started dancing he could find himself staring deeply into her eyes aswell as she.They started dancing and neither of them said a word, she then started to realise how attractive he was.

A- So how are you enjoying your evening my lord?

Anthony- well I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Daphne and I am working for her since none of the men around here seem to be a good fit for her.

A- I believe you are being over protective for her, poor Daph hasn't even had the chance to speak at any of those suitors

Anthony- well its my duty

A- I guess, anyways I assure you we can find her a good match. Like my good friend the duke of Hastings.

Anthony- oh no I believe not, although he is a good friend of mine I wouldn't let my sister near him

A- excuse me? If you are his so called friend you should know what a perfect match he is- aurora said feeling her anger boil up since he was insulting her brother

Anthony- even if he is a true gentleman, he is a rake and I do not want him for my sister

A- If he is rake then what are you? You should know Simon would be perfect for her- Aurora said in a harsh tone

Anthony- You were the one who forced me into a dance, so lets not talk about each others manner

A- enough I believe our dance is over lord bridgerton, rest assured It won't happen twice

Aurora said while directing herself towards Daphne and the duke, Anthony following behind her as he also saw the interaction they where having.

A- I see you guys have already met- aurora said to both of her dearest friends

D- no I'm sorry Rory I believe he hasn't introduce himself, god knows the reason why

S- I'm sorry Rory who might this be

Before Aurora could say anything she heard Anthonys annoying voice behind her

A- Basset! Basset!

S- Bridgerton!- Simon happily exclaimed

Anthony- come here old friend- Anthony said as Aurora rolled her eyes, how dare him greet her brother so nicely after calling him a rake

A- anyways ignoring this encounter, Simon this is Daphne Bridgerton my best friend

S- so she is your sister?- Simon asked Anthony

Anthony- yes she is, Daph Hastings and I know each other from my Oxford days. Days we shall not soon forget.

D- yes, as I am well aware of the company you keep brother I am certain your days were most civilized, indeed

As aurora laughed at her comment, Anthony found his previous anger towards the girl had dissapeard and found himself admiring the girls laugh, music to his ears.

Then Daphne and her brother left as Aurora bid them evening and stayed with Simon.

A- where have you been? I've been searching for you all evening I wanted to introduce to Daphne , what did you think of her?

S- lovely lady, indeed. I have been attacked by all the tons young girls mamas it was exasperating.

A- how is it that you never told me you knew the Viscount- aurora said grabbing his arm as they walked together.

S- never came round to it I guess

A- he is an annoying man

S- that I can't deny- Simon chuckled

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now