chapter 29-stop pestering him

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Will had urged Aurora to join him at his house to help him with Simon, when she hear what had happened she rapidly arrived. Will had found Simon drunk at a bar last night, Aurora definitely knew it was about Daphne. She was worried about him.

Nicky (Will's son)- You smell bad- Nicky said to the duke when he woke up as aurora chuckled.

Nicky's mother- Nicky! stop pestering him.

A- look who has decided to wake up!- aurora said annoyed.

S- Why must everthing be so bright?- the duke said half-asleep

W- It is called "day" for a reason- will said 

S- If I am, in fact, to marry... I would like you all to be present- he said as aurora sat down forcing him to eat

Alice(Nicky's mother)- "If"? He seems to believe there is a way out of this.

A- exactly what I was going to say. Simon I am very mad, I know this is hard on you, but imagine what it must be for Daphne she feels you do not even like her!- aurora said 

S- I know, I am truly sorry for my behavior.

Later on, Aurora and Simon left to go back to the house. While they were on the carriage Aurora thought it was a good moment to talk to him about Daphne.

A- I know I had no intentions to marry, Simon. But I do also know you have true feelings for her and you should forget about that stupid vow.

S- It is not stupid- Simon said mad

A- It is, this man has already mad you suffer so much, do not make it more .

Simon decided to not respond to Aurora and as soon as the carriage arrived he left to his room.

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