chapter 17- The prince

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Aurora had been dancing with eligible bachelors and she was waiting the moment Anthony arrived, she could not stand another dance with one of those prepotencial bachelors.

 That was until the Queen arrived with a young prince, everyone's attention diverted towards them. She was next to Daphne and Simon, when the queen approached them with the prince, Aurora didn't really find him handsome but she knew she could not deny him a dance.

Prudence- the prince is from Prussia, and I dare say that I caught his eye- aurora heard prudence featherington say as she and Daphne laughed.

D- they do not even know him- Daphne said

S- they do not need to 

D- Besides the fact he is a prince 

S- surely you cannot be surprised. You know how this works.

Aurora faked gaghed and left them, they where already acting like they were married, she thought.

Q- Aurora, come here my dear- the queen said as aurora approached her and Daphne.

Q- Prince Friedrich this are the young ladies I was telling you about- the queen said as Daphne and aurora bowed- the season's diamonds.

The prince then kissed Rory's and Daphne's hands, as they shot him soft smiles.

PF- So lovely to meet you miss winteshire and miss bridgerton, 

A- the pleasure is ours Your highness- Aurora said 

PF-your gowns are exquisites

A- well than- aurora was interrupted by Daphne laughing and snorting rather unladylike as aurora slightly laughed at her friend's interaction and the queen stared at her with a distasteful look.

D- My apologies.

PF- No apology necessary

Q-Perphaps a small one, Friedrich why don't you ask Miss wintershire to dance with you?

PF- Of course, miss wintershire would you join me in this dance?

A- It would be my pleasure- aurora said as they both joined the dance floor.

A- your highness, might I ask you if its true you come from Prussia?

PF- of course miss wintershire. Yes, I come from Prussia and I was sent here to join my lovely aunt and attend some business.

A- How wonderful, might I ask how Prussia is? I never had the chance to travel a lot except from Washington and London.

PF- Prussia is definitely beautiful, you should visit as soon as you have the chance its quite different from London. I would think a fine young lady like you would enjoy her time there.

Aurora and the prince where chatting animatedly, and she found his presence rather pleasing and as the dance finished she excused herself to seek for Anthony. Surely he had arrived, she thought as she searched for him. He then found him next to his mother and her aunt.

A- excuse me lady bridgerton, auntie- aurora saluted them- might I steal Anthony for a moment?- aurora asked ignoring her aunt's smirks

V-Of course!- lady bridgerton exclaimed a little bit overexcited, she had been trying to convince Anthony to find the young lady and ask her for a dance.

A- why haven't you tried looking for me? I was waiting for you and couldn't find you- aurora said as they were out of lady bridgerton's and lady danbury's ear shot.

Anthony- I could see you were rather enjoying the prince's company- replied Anthony coldly

A- when will you get over your jealousness?- aurora said annoyed

Anthony- I am not jealous, It seems you enjoy other man's company and if you wish, I shall leave you alone

A- Anthony get over yourself, you now I have to consider more options If you truly want me speaking to no other man then propose! How am I supposed to know if your intentions are true or you are merely just trying to play with me!- aurora spat out angrily, this man did sure know how to annoy her.

Anthony- I said I am not jealous there is no reason to be jealous, I do not care if you go with Lord waterton or the prince. Go on, be my guest- Anthony said annoyed

A- You know I can't even marry the prince since that would mean I can't become a Duchess, oh for heavens you truly do find a way to get on my nerves.- aurora spat out- You know what, I shall do that if that is truly what you want- aurora said as she left to find lord waterton or even the prince

A- arse- she said as she was getting a drink

LW- who is an arse?- lord waterton said while he was chuckling

A- oh, my apologies, I know I should not use such language but I can't help it with some people- aurora said her voice softening

LW- its okay, just consider yourself lucky it was me and not some rude mama- lord waterton said while chuckling

A- Might I ask, where have you been lately? I haven't seen you in the latest balls- aurora said

LW- Missing me?- lord waterton said playfully as aurora laughed- No, truth is I have been away to help my brother with some business

A- oh wow, where?

LW- The americas actually, I believe you are from there?

A- yes I am- aurora said surprised- Have you been researching on me?

Lord Watertown's cheeks flushed red as he hid his face in embarrassment.

Lw- I might have asked a few friends, I only wanted to make sure we could have meaningful conversations- he stared as aurora looked at him in awe.

A- I appreciate it, lord waterton- aurora said sincerely

LW- lord waterton makes me feel old, call me Laurie I insist

A- okay Laurie, but then I must insist you call me Aurora- aurora said, still not feeling with enough confidence to him calling her Rory.

LW- okay Aurora, would you have this dance?- Laurie asked as she agreed

They spent the rest of the evening laughing and dancing and aurora found herself forgetting her previous argument with the viscount, who as soon as he saw her with Laurie left the ball.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now