chapter 33-

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Aurora joined the bridgerton family  at their country party. She was speaking with Eloise and lady brisgerton.

Hyacint- I wonder what Daphne is doing at this very moment.

LB- I am sure she has many new duties to attend as duchess.

Aurora- yes she will probably have.- aurora concluded

LB- Things you should be learning for your debut.

Eloise scoffed- making simpering conversation pretending not to wince every time a man treads on my toes?- Eloise said as Aurora laughed.-I'm no good at those things.

A- Do not say that Eloise, you will be perfect. Now if you'll excuse me I have to find Anthony- she said as she left. 

She then found Anthony and Benedict laughing- what is so funny?- she asked amused.

Benedict- Lady Cowper is wearing the most ridiculous hat, don't you think?

A- Even though its rude, I have to agree. Whatever she was thinking this morning- she said chuckling and could not help to see that Anthony was staring at her.

Anthony thought she had the most beautiful laugh in the whole world. 

Then they heard glass clinking.

Colin- May I have everyone's attention? I would like to make a important announcement. I have happy news to impart. I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted.

At this both Aurora and Anthony had outstounded faces.

Aurora- what?- she whispered looking at Anthony.

Anthony- Did you know about this?- he asked his mother

LB- Pople are looking dear, congratulate the happy couple.

Anthony- I will have to talk to him- Anthony said mad.

A- its alright Anthony, calm down- she said while rubbing his forearm. He immediately relaxed at this action but was still mad


Anthony- You barely know the young lady. What were you thinking?

Colin- I was thinking you'd respond like this and how little I would care to hear.

Anthony- Do you think this is a joke? Poor mother was beside herself.

Colin- Mother seems perfectly happy to me. Besides what was I supposed to do, be like you? never propose until I lose the girl. Aurora is not going to wait for you forever.

Anthony- As a matter of fact, I want to purpose. I am just waiting for the right moment- he said exesperated.

Anthony- So, you compromised this young lady?

Colin- Certainly not. I am a gentleman.

Anthony- Then why ever would you.

Colin- Why does anyone marry, brother? For love, of course.

Anthony- Look, I know you are still rather green, and that is my fault. I should've taken you to brothels when you returned from Eton. So if this is a matter of wetting your wick--

Colin-You are an ass. Do you know that?

Anthony- This is what comes of not sowing your wild oats. Proposing to the first chit you set your cap at.

Colin- Enough! You insult me and my intended when we want to do the same as you and Aurora, marry for love.

Anthony- It is not the same.

Colin- How is that?

Anthony- Our family has known Aurora her entire life, we have been courting for two months, officially over two weeks. Mother knows who she is and trusts her. Ww know nothing about Miss Thompson.

Anthony- You are still a child, Colin.

Colin- I'm older than Daphne. You were happy to marry her off. 

Anthony- It is not the same.

Colin- I know nothing of the sort.

Anthony- Then you betray your immaturity!

Colin-If I caused Mother discomfort today, I am sorry for it. Truth is, I do not require your permission to marry Miss Thompson but I would very much prefer to have your blessing. 

Anthony- Then I must say I must have to disappoint you

Colin- You have

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now