Chapter 4-Lady Whistledown

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It has been said that of all bitches dead or alive a scribbling women is the most canine if that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth.

My name is Lady Whistledown, you do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall. But be forewarned, dear reader, I certainly know you.


Aurora was more than happy to hear that Daphne had also been singled out by the Queen, calling her flawless. She knew Daphne deserved being the diamond and she was delighted that she got to share her experience with her best friend.

As she, her mother and her aunt arrived and the Danbury manor they were received by a young boy who gave them a sheet with the name lady whistledown. 

A- whatever on earth this is?- Aurora questioned

L- I know nothing of it

LD- looks like a scandal sheet , but a rather one that lists subjects by name, in full

A- let me see it auntie

As Aurora read it the found herself smiling as she read the column about her and Daphne as they were named the season's incomparable.

A-I shall visit Daphne immediately, this is so eventful we are named the season's incomparable the diamonds of the first water- Rory excitedly said

LD- No you shall not, the duke is about to arrive surely you won't want to miss his arrival

A- ah yes I didn't remember Simon si coming today! I shall get changed and greet him as soon as he arrives- Aurora excitedly said as she rushed upstairs to get changed


LD- Rory Come and join me, the duke has just arrived 

Aurora ran outside and as  soon as she got sight of him ran and embraced him tightly.

A- oh how I've missed you Simon

S- I've missed you too Rory- The duke ckuckled

A- I hope you are joining us at the Danbury ball

S- I don't think so- replied Simon as lady Danbury and Aurora gave him sharp glares

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now