chapter 12-boxing ring

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W- have you truly  danced with the bridgerton girl? twice?

A- oh I assure you he has, Will, and I swear if you do anything to my best friend I shall have your head brother

S-Remind me again why you both were the first persons that I chose to reacquaint myself upon my return to town.

W- admit it, friend. You missed me.

The door opened and aurora jumped from her seat, from where she was reading,  to see Anthony barging in.

Anthony- what on heavens earth are you doing here Rory?

W- Rory?- Will whispered questionably to the duke

S- she'll explain later

A- I was bored and had nothing else to do- replied Rory sweetly

Anthony- this is no such place for a young lady like you

A- why is that?- aurora asked annoyed

Anthony- you should not witness this much violence

at this aurora rolled her eyes and went back to her book

Anthony-Might I have a word?

S- as many as you like, bridgerton

Anthony- You'll come down here or must I come up there?

and after that Will left

Then the Viscount proceeded to get in the ring and argue with the duke, aurora didn't pay much attention upon hiring him say that Daphne was already engaged.

A- I'm sorry what? you surely did not engage Daphne to that horrid man did you not?- aurora furiously said. As she got no replay she barged out the boxing ring fuming.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now