chapter 18- I could not sleep

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Daphne could not sleep so she decided to leave the room and get herself a cup of milk.

Anthony- sister? whatever are you doing?

D- I could not sleep. I thought a bit of warm milk might help matters.

Anthony- Should I ring for a servant?

D- No. No, do not wake them. Would you like to join me?

Anthony and Daphne both stood clueless infront of the kitchen not knowing how it worked.

D- We should light it.

Anthony- excellent idea.

D- Well, go on.

Anthony- Me?

d- I should not know how to do it.

Anthony- And you believe I should?

D- Cold milk, then.

Anthony- Most refreshing, given the heat.

D- Can I ask you a question, Brother?

Anthony- So long as it has nothing to do with the inner workings of that thing.

D- It is about the duke

Anthony- What about the duke?

D- Well- Do you know the reason he is so opposed to marriage?

Anthony- Daph...

Daphne- He is your closest friend. Surely you must know things.

Anthony- The things I know are certainly not for your ears.

D-How foolish of me to ever even wonder about such things- Daphne scoffed

Anthony- He barely knew his father. Never knew his mother. Not one sibling. The duke grew up quite differently than us, Daph. In all the 20 years I have known him he has not mentioned his so-called family even once. He has spent his entire life alone.

D- what about Rory?

Anthony tensed up at the mention of aurora, but he tried to play it off- Aurora and him didn't se eachother very much until she moved in London at 14 years old. So for most of the duke's childhood he barely knew her. 

D- How very sad.

Anthony- he prefers it that way. You must not concern yourself with his troubles. You must simply know some people are not meant to be together.. no matter how much we might wish otherwise.- he said thinking of Aurora.

D- I see.

Anthony- Very well

D- Thank you brother, for the milk. We will have to do this again sometime.

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