chapter 31-

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they kept kissing until they heard the voices of a young lady and Colin. So they quickly separated and Aurora sat down in the chair.

then the door opened and revealed Colin and Marina Thompson.

C- Oh, hello brother, aurora, did we interrupt something?

A- No, not at all I was just feeling a little bit unwell and Anthony offered me to get some space here.

Anthony- yes we were abut to leave- Anthony said as he looked at aurora so she got up. After that they both left and Aurora giggled, she found it quite amusing and she did not know why. Next to her was Anthony staring at her in awe.

A- quit staring, do I have something in my face- aurora said mockingly

Anthony- how could I not stare? knowing I will marry someone with such a beautiful face make me happy.

A- Is that your way of proposing, because I must tell you it was pretty crappy. sorry.- she said smiling innocently

Anthony- not quite yet, darling- he said with a smirk

A-very funny, indeed. Now I must find Daphne, she is probably feeling quite nervous and I have't been with her.

Anthony- Yes, and I shall talk with the duke.

A- Daphne!- aurora said worried looking at her distressed face- are you alright?

D- What happens on the night of wedding?- she suddenly asked and Aurora could see how nervous she was.

A- Do relax Daph, Has neither your mother or your brother talk you about this?

Daphne denied with her head.

A- Oh, wow. well, I do not think I should be the one telling you this. But remember our talk about the physical aspect of the wedding

D- Yes, although I did not quite truly understand.

A- Well, you know how you and your husband sleep in the same bed?

D- yes.

A- On the night of wedding you are expected to have marital incourse, although I assure you Simon will not force you and help you so you are the most comfortable.

D- I still do not understand.

Aurora was about to continue as Anthony came near them.

Anthony- I spoke to the duke.

D- well that makes one of us.

Anthony- He refused your dowery.

D- is this your attempt to raise my spirits?

Anthony- He refused for your benefit.  I shall put your money in your trust so you may use it as you like. for your children perhaps. Certainly you two will have a large family.

Aurora was sad for Daphne, she knew what she and Simon had talked about. She could see clearly Daphne was getting stressed.

Anthony- what is it? is something wrong?

D- I.. Uh.. I just need a moment, excuse me.

Anthony- what did I do?-Anthony asked aurora

A- Nothing she is just nervous, although I can understand why. Why neither you or your mother have told her about marital intercourse?

Anthony's eyes went wide.

Anthony- how do you know about that?

A- Am I not supposed to?

Anthony- seems a little improper for a lady your age.

A- Well, Lady Danbury wanted me to be prepared like this I wouldn't be uncomfortable on my wedding night. not like Daphne! poor soul is so confused, Anthony you or your mother have to talk with Daphne before tonight, I am sure Simon will try his best to make her feel comfortable but she must know it before!

Anthony- perhaps you are right, I shall talk to my mother.

Aurora felt proud and was relieved lady bridgerton will talk to Daphne.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now