chapter 9- Vauxhall Ball

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Aurora accompanied by lady Danbury and her mother were approaching the vauxhall ball by boat, as she stared in awe to the beautifully decorated gardens. All three women descended and Aurora immediately approached Simon, much to her aunts and mother's insists on dancing with some suitors.

A- I cannot take it anymore brother, mama and auntie are going crazy for me to find my match. But I worry any man who approaches me only wishes to become the duke of Wellington.

S- its okay Rory you still have plenty of time to find someone you love to share your duked with- he said in a warm tone

A- I might have to hope so

they continued chatting a young man approached them, as he asked for aurora to join him a dance she could recognize him.

A-Lord waterton, How nice to see you again I would love to join you for a dance- aurora said while muttering goodbye to the duke.

As lord waterton and aurora danced and conversed animatedly there were to pair of eyes looked at them with jealousy. Anthony didn't know why he was jealous, Daphne had left but Anthony could care less as he was staring at the pair dancing and laughing but Lady Bridgerton could notice the jealous stares her eldest son was giving to Rory.

-Ladies and gentelmen a most extraordinary event is going to take place right this why- an man announced. Then aurora excused herself to join her mother and aunt to see the spectacle. A series of lights lit up, aurora never had seen anything like this and admired in awe, she then looked around and met a pair of eyes who where already staring at her. Anthony was admiring aurora as she looked at him and she gazed off at his eyes, so cold and warm at the same time. When the spectacle finished Anthony wasted no time to reach her.

A- I see you are spending your evening well with the company of lord waterton

Aurora then chuckled to herself- jealous my lord?

Anthony's cheeks flushed red and he hoped she wouldn't notice, but she did.

Anthony- no, not at all just making an observation.

then Lady bridgerton approached them along with aurora's mother and her aunt.

V- how well to see you both here- lady bridgerton said- oh Rory I'm sure Anthony would love to take you for a dance

A- oh no no i'ma actually quite tired...

Anthony- my boots actually are quite slippery... - they both spoke at the same time

D- nonsense, you both are quite well capable now make a haste and go to the dance floor- her aunt said pushing them to the dance floor

Anthony- would you care for a dance miss wintershire- Anthony sighed holding up his hand

A- it would be my pleasure- aurora mockingly said taking his hand

both of them walked into the dance floor many eyes were on them since it was not common to the Viscount to take a lady dancing, and after all Aurora was a Duchess, or at least would become one.

Both of them started dancing stiff and not glancing to eachother, until they couldn't resist and gazed into eachothers eyes. They were very close and both of them could feel the tension. All the hatred that they held before instantly disappeared, and time flew by. They both could feel most of the ton's eyes on them watching cautiously. Then the music changed but neither of them wanted to leave their company, so they stayed for another dance and another. It was until their third dance that the duke of Hastings and Daphne had also joined the dance floor and now all of London ton stared at the pair of couples who seemed to be the only ones dancing since most of the other pairs had left the floor.

Lady Danbury- well lady bridgerton, I think at the end of this season we must expect two big weddings, after all it seems our efforts have worked.

Lady bridgerton- Indeed, lets hope it continuous like this till the end of the season

Lady Danbury- Believe me when I say this, its most likely you'll have a pair of dukes and ducchess in your family next year

Lady Bridgerton- as long as it is true love, titles do not matter.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now