chapter 34-oh fuck

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Lady bridgerton had invited Aurora to have breakfast with them after learning Anthony's intention's to propose. She accepted, of course.

It was a bit of a mess at the bridgerton's manour, Gregory and Hyacint were fighting over food, Benedict was scolding them and Eloise was trying to fill her plate up to its limit.

LB- Gregory! stop you must behave infront of Aurora.

A- Its alright- she said chuckling- I must say I do miss having siblings.

Benedict- I do not think so.

LB- Benedict!- Lady bridgerton scolded

Benedict- sorry mother

Colin- good morning- Colin said as everyone turned their heads to him.

Benedict- Morning, brother.

A- Good morning Colin

Hyacint- Colin, your engagement is in Whistledown!

LB- Hyacint!

Hyacint- What? It is!

Benedict- Very well. Everyone out, I think. Do not worry mother I will keep company to Aurora.

LB- Yes.


After Anthony's chat with Colin he decided it was time he proposed, the season was about to end and he was right, he couldn't let Aurora go. So he decided to take her promenading and propose.

He directed her towards a small private sector of the gardens which was the favorite of Aurora, he knew that.

Aurora- Oh wow Anthony! look at this beautiful butterfly.

Anthony chuckled to see her excitement over a butterfly- It is very beautiful- he said looking at her as she smiled at him.

Aurora- catch me if you can!- she said suddenly while running towards a pond.

Aurora- catch me if you can!- she said suddenly while running towards a pond

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Anthony- You are quite fast, did you know that?- he said breathing heavily.

A- I do- she said chuckling.

He then started to feel nervous

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He then started to feel nervous.

Anthony- I--Uh-- Aurora, I wanted to ask you something- he said nervous

Aurora- Do ask- she said distracted by the fish in the pond.

Anthony- Alright- he said and started to look for the ring, but he then saw that he couldn't find it. He started panicking, surely he hadn't left it back home? he thought.

Aurora noticed Anthony frantically taping his trousers pockets.

Aurora- What's wrong Anthony?

Anthony- I-- Nothing-- I just cannot find-- There it is- he said finally as he pulled out a small black box, he must of pulled it with too much force as it went straight into the pond.

Anthony- Oh fuck!- he groaned taking it out, this could not be more of a disaster, he thought. Although, Aurora on the other hand just realized what it was in the box.

A- Oh my god- she exclaimed

Anthony- Oh, yes, well it did not go as planned.-he said embarrassed- but I wanted to ask you a question, Aurora wintershire.- He said as he bent down in one knee and opened the box- Will you--

He didn't have time to finish as Aurora started exclaiming happily- YES! YES! yes of course I will marry you!

He then placed the ring and picked her up to spin her around, both of them laughing happily.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now