chapter 39- honeymooners (specific content)

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A/N this is a specific chapter (kinda of a smutt) where there will be actions engaged not recommended for minors of 16, its an extra chapter and really doesn't make a difference to the story I just thought I should add this little special. Be advised there will be sexual activities described along the chapter.

Everything was perfect. The wedding was perfect. The party was perfect. Anthony was perfect, Aurora thought. She was slightly nervous for the honey moon, she knew for obvious reasons that Anthony had plenty of experience and that kinda stressed her. She had no idea if she was going to be good, she knew that Anthony would be a gentleman but she didn't want it to be awkward.

She was near the champagne glasses and perhaps she was already drinking to many, the drunkest I am the better. She thought. 

Simon- Woah slow down Rory, what's the matter?- he asked as he saw that Aurora was already on her fifth glass.

A- I'm nervous. I'm usually always nervous, but I can pretend im not, but not tonight. 

Simon- its alright, lady Danbury has already prepared you enough, do not worry. You just have to be smooth.

A that is why im drinking champagne- she said chuckling

Simon- yes, but you do not want to be overly drunk- he said while taking aurora's 6th glass before she drunk it.

A- You  know what, you are right, I just need some air and relax.

Aurora then went out to the balcony to get some fresh air until she felt to big arms hugging her waist from behind.

Anthony- hey beautiful- he whispered on her ear which sent shivers to her whole body.

she turned around so their faces would only be inches away- hello handsome- she said in the same tone.

Anthony- how does it feel to be duchess finally.

A- feels perfect, I cannot wait for the amount of work I'll have to do- she said smiling and getting closer to him.

A- I truly want to kiss you.

Anthony- then kiss me- he Said getting closer and she did, it was a soft kiss he held her by her waist and she held the back of his neck. She would never grow tired of this feeling.

Anthony- I think its time to leave- he said

A- Yes, alright, let me just say goodbye.


They were on the carriage heading to Anthony's camp house. They had decided they would spent their first week of their honeymoon there and then go to the Wellington manor.

Anthony helped Aurora out of the carriage and he introduced every helper to her.

Anthony- let me show you our room- he said slightly smirking, it was already night and they had already had dinner. Aurora knew what was about to happen and she didn't feel nervous.

Aurora followed him and entered an enormous beautiful room.

A-Oh wow, its beautiful Anthony- she said admiringly.

Anthony then closed the doors and looked her full of lust.

He approached her and started kissing her softly.

Anthony- You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this moment, Aurora Bridgerton- he said almost whispering.

She looked at him bitting her lip, unsure on what to say. So she decided to kiss him hungrly instead. She didn't know where it came from but suddenly had this burning feeling all over her body.

He picked her up by her legs and rested her onto of a desk while kissing her. He slowly touched the back of her dress as her breath hitched. He started kissing her neck while uniting her dress. She dropped her dress to the floor and was left just with her underwere and corset.

He striped his shirt and was left topless, Aurora admired his abs and the burning feeling she felt only grew. She untied her corset and was left with her breasts out and Anthony hungrily charged and started kissing all of her body lowing down until he reached between her legs.

He slowly introduced his tongue as Aurora felt immediate pleasure.

A- oh my god- aurora whispered with pleasure as her back arched.

He continued as Aurora pulled his hair softly, until she reached the peak and reelesed a loud moan.

Anthony picked up Aurora and placed her on the bed. He discarded his trouser and started kissing hardly. 

He stoped and looked at Aurora for confirmation, and he got it. 

As soon as Anthony started Aurora felt immense pleasure as multiple moans escaped her mouth. He quicker his pace and didn't stop.

A/N intense chapter, haha. I am not really good at this so this was the best I could give you. 

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now