chapter 8-the opera

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Aurora and lady danbury were speaking to the Queen.

Q- now aurora, I wish to know which of your many callers has caught your eye

A- well thank you for your interest, I must disappointedly inform you, your majesty that most of the callers were indeed quite boring and most of them just wanted to form an alliance to become duke of Wellington.

Q- well that is rather disappointing, but do not fear my dear I'm sure someone will catch your heart.

D-Lady bridgerton! Do join us- aurora's aunt said as the queen made a distasteful face and Rory could only help to feel sorry for Daphne.

V- Your Majesty, good evening. You must remember my daughter Daphne.

Q- Yes. She made quite an impression however fleeting it may have been.

Aurora felt sorry for her friend, this was only daphne's brother fault, and she was never so mad.

D- I would like to welcome you both to my box this evening

A- yes please do join us- Aurora said as she grabbed her best friend's arm.

Aurora could hear her aunt's and lady bridgerton's conversation but she didn't put attention to it as she and Daphne were commenting the lovely opera singer's performance.


The next day she and Simon found out through lady Danbury that they were to attend dinner at the bridgerton's house. Which Aurora was delighted to see the Bridgerton family but not so much for the eldest brother. Simon, however, didn't like too much the idea.

In the diner she was seated between Anthony, much to her displease, and Daphne. Infront of her was Eloise, she and her always shared their intelligence on the books they read and often commented them together.

Aurora had managed to avoid talking to the Viscount, which wasn't really hard since he didn't want to either. They were discussing who lady whistledown was.

C-who knows if whistledown is even a she?- Colin said

Anthony- Fair point- Anthony said as aurora glared him

E-Because she is simply too good to be anyone but a man?

A- Just what I was going to say- aurora said supporting Eloise

F- well I think its rather obvious that the writer is Lady Danbury

A- oh no, I assure you my aunt would never write that about Daph

D- lady Danbury enjoys sharing her insults with society directly- Daphne said as aurora laughed slightly

H- could it be lady featherington?

-no!- they all exclaimed while chuckling

aurora then started talking with Daphne until she turned her attention to her younger siblings. So aurora to avoid speaking to Anthony started a debate on Shakespear with Eloise.

Anthony- So miss wintershire, will you keep on avoiding me forever?

A- I'm not avoiding you, I simply do not want to engage a conversation with you

Anthony- I see that I am rather not of your liking

A- after what you have done to Daphne you are definitely the most insufferable and eccentric person I've ever met, I think its better we go as before: you are the older brother of Daphne and I'm her best friend. No need to engage any conversation between us.

Anthony- I'm insufferable? you better be glad you don't have to meet yourself or else you would see why I think you are insufferable!

A- ugh you are so annoying, I can't even think why I thought you as charming - aurora slapped herself in her mind, why would she say that?

Anthony- oh, so you thought of me as charming?- Anthony said with a smirk

A- no that is not what I meant- aurora said beginning to feel frustrated as their attention was diversed to her two dearest friends bickering at eachother. Then Anthony interrupted them

Anthony- Hastings I'm so glad you both decided to join us this evening. It was most spontaneous of you.

S- Not at all. With lady danbury accepting your dear mother's gracious invitation on our behalf. Well, how ever could we have declined?

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now