chapter 25- the duke and Daphne

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Aurora was woken up by someone shacking her up.

A- what the fuck Mary, its way too early- aurora said not remembering last nights events.

D- aurora wake up, quickly- Daphne said half-yelling

Aurora then sat up waking up in a strange bedroom and clothes that were not hers, she then remembered last night's events.

A- oh no, Daph has it already occurred?- asked aurora worriedly

D- No, but we must be quick if we want to stop them- Daphne said as she dragged aurora outside.


Aurora, Daphne and Colin then were riding towards the location of the duel.

- stop!- aurora and Daphne yelled 

Daphne then fell to the ground, as aurora quickly climbed down her horse.

A- Daphne!- aurora said as she checked on her and Anthony and Simon made towards them.

Anthony- Sister! are you okay?

Simon- Are you hurt? Tell me!- Simon said

D- I am perfectly well, no thanks to you idiots. - Daphne said as aurora left breath of relieve.

Anthony- what are you playing at?

D- Says the man who just shot at me!

Anthony- You just rode in the middle of a duel!

As the siblings were bickering aurora took no time to embrace Simon in a tight hug.

A- Do not do that ever again- said her voice breaking- I cannot lose you too

S- I am sorry- the duke said embracing her tightly

D- I require a moment with the duke- Daphne said as aurora broke the embrace and smiled at her.

Anthony-  Daphn-

D-I require a moment with the duke!

Benedict- Make it brief

At this aurora looked at Anthony and wasted no time into throw an embrace to him. He was surprised at first but returned it quickly, both of them enjoying their own aromas. Then aurora was the one who broke the embrace as they both stared at eachother.

A- today made me realize something, Anthony, I believe it is not the adequate moment but I have to tell you-

D- There shall be no need to resume, The duke and I are to be married.- Daphne interrupted aurora.

Everyone was left speechless and aurora sighed with relieve, she did not know what Daphne did but she was most thankful.

Aurora then had to rush back home and get into her night gown and fell back into bed.

M- good morning aurora!- Mary yelled expecting aurora to be sleeping

A- good morning Mary, I am not feeling quite alright so I think I shall rest a little bit more. Would you mind telling my aunt and mother?

M- Of course aurora- she said believing her as she was never awake at this time.

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