chapter 22- Boxing match

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 Aurora and her aunt arrived early back home after the disastrous ball, and aurora just plowed down in the sofa not caring to get changed. She then saw Simon as her aunt said.

LD- Enough of both of you, what has happened, how has everything gone downfall?

A-I do not know auntie, I just want to sleep and forget this.

S- Yes, I believe Rory is right. We just need to rest.

LD- Then you shall rest- Lady Danbury said as she left

A- Simon

S- Yes?

A- come sit- aurora patted next to her on the sofa- what has happened between you and Daphne?

The duke then told her everything that happened, and allowed himself to show his vulnerability to her as she concealed him. She was the only one that Simon could show his true colors, and Rory knew she could always rely on him.


Aurora was chatting animatedly with Simon and Benedict at the boxing match, she actually wasn't allowed to come but The duke took her anyways. Before the match started she saw Daphne and Anthony enter. She immediately tensed and turned around, focusing her attention to Will and Simon. She also noticed the stares that the duke sent to Daphne. She then realized maybe it wasn't the best idea to come for both of them.

Before the match started Anthony joined them, much to her displease, and she couldn't stop herself to send him small glances and so was he. Benedict could feel the tension so decided to cut it off.

B- shall we sit down now? the match is about to begin

A- yes, that is a fantastic idea- aurora said

so Benedict and aurora sat down, unfortunately the seat next to Benedict had been taken. So Anthony, reluctantly sat down next to aurora as she held her breath. The tension was growing by the minute and Aurora was hoping the match would start quick. Soon the match started.

A- come on, Will!- aurora shouted as Benedict chuckled for her excitement.

A- what? I bet on him so he better win

Anthony- Go on, Mondrich!- Anthony also cheered

then they both started cheering and yelling. They both stood up at the same time, and felt their hands brush eachother. They both turned around and looked at each other, they couldn't pull off their eyes from eachother. They kept gazing at eachother until everyone on their side started to celebrate, and that was when aurora broke her gaze and celebrated along Benedict.

She started clapping sending small gazes towards Anthony. She could still feel the tingles on her stomach. Why did she have to fall for such an arse?- she thought. She tried to shake off the feeling as she joined her brother who looked rather stern-looked.

A- are you alright?- aurora asked following his gaze until she saw Daphne and the prince.

A- Oh, I see- she said rubbing his arm

As people started to leave aurora decided she needed to talk to Daphne.

A- Go on Simon, I'll go home later- she said

She then approached Daphne who was saying goodbye to the prince.

D- Rory!- she said upon seeing her and embracing her- It feels like we haven't seen eachother in ages

A- I know, I am sorry I haven't visited you lately and that at the last ball we didn't have time to talk- she said sweetly

D- its okay Anthony told me what happened, bit I believe there is more to the story. I would go visit you at your house, but I don't think I can't.

A- I know its okay, Simon told me everything. How about we arrange a promenade?

D- It sounds perfect- Daphne said

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now