chapter 37- Marriage?

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Aurora had learned all about what was going on with Daphne and Simon at last night's ball. she was quite sad on how their marriage was turning up and tried to cheer Daphne. The next morning she decided to invite Simon to tell him the exciting news.

Aurora entered the Hastings house, she had never been here because every time Simon would visit it would be at Lady Danbury's house. She was left quite stunned t was bigger than the Bridgerton house and wasn't sure if it was bigger than the Wellington manor.

A- Nice place you're got here- she said when she saw Simon peacefully reading his book.

Simon- Rory- h said getting up and going to hug her- I've missed you.

A- Me too simon.

Aurora then ploped herself down the couch infront of where Simon was sitting.

A- So, I've been hearing you and Daphne aren't quite good.

Simon- I rather not discuss that.

A- alright, truth is I have an important announcement. Myself and the Viscount are to be married.

Simon looked shocked but pleased.

Simon- I am so happy for you, Rory.

A- Thank you- she smiled- we will announce it publicly during the queen's event.

S- And when will the wedding be?

A- Three weeks from now, just before the season ends. 

Simon- I am glad you have found someone who treats you right, Rory. I love you and I hope your life next to him is beautiful.

Aurora felt herself tearing up as she went and sat next to simon and hugged him.

A- Thank you, I love you too.

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now