chapter 24- the ball

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Aurora had been dancing with Laurie until she saw her aunt arriving as she excused herself to join her. 

A- hey auntie, what did he say?

LD- I'm sorry dear, there was no way of changing his mind.- Lady Danbury said

A-well that's a shame- aurora said, sad by the fact Simon would be leaving. 

then they joined her mother in a conversation with recently widowed Lady Trowbridge. 

Rory was chatting animatedly when she saw Daphne running away from the prince.

CC- Do watch where you flying, angel- Cressida said as Daphne bumped into her

A- with a huge hair and front like that we can barely see anything- aurora spat to Cressida as she walked after Daphne.

When she was outside she found Daphne breathing heavy near the bridge.

A- hey hey Daph its okay, I'm here- Rory said calming her

D- I- I- I can not I can not marry the prince, I- Daphne said agitatedly as she took off her neckless and left it on top of the bridge.

A- Daphne wait!- aurora said as she picked up the expensive neckless, but when she turned around she couldn't find Daphne. Aurora got lost somewhere trying to find Daphne as she bumped into someone. As she looked up she saw it was Anthony, at this moment she could care less that she was mad at him.

A- Anthony! help me find Daphne, I do not know where she is I have been trying to find her- aurora said worriedly.

Anthony- what do you mean? what happened?

A- I do not know I just saw her walking out the ball and she looked rather pale, so I followed and she took off this, and then I do not know where she went. I am worried Anthony, she kept saying that she did not want to marry the prince.

Anthony- okay lets go find her, who knows what will happen if someone knows she left the ball.

Anthony and Aurora then searched for her, until they saw her with Simon who was kissing her. Aurora gasped loudly as Anthony charged towards them.

Anthony- Bastard!- Anthony yelled as he punched him

A- Anthony stop!- aurora yelled as Anthony threw another punch at him

D- Anthony!- then he kicked him so aurora puled him away and went to check on Simon

S- I am okay I assure you, sister

A- okay, thanks- she said as she got up

A- Now what the fuck where you thinking?-she said know looking both at Daphne and Simon

D- Aurora! language!

A- Oh Daphne, my friend, you better be hoping no one saw you

Anthony- You will marry her!- Anthony spat

D- What?- Daphne asked

Anthony- Immediately. You will marry her. We can only hope no one saw you take such liberties and my sister is saved from further mortification. You will marry her!

D- Brother!

S- I cannot marry her- Simon said as Daphne looked at him dissapointedly

A- I am sorry brother, but I must agree with Anthony in this one. You cannot risk it, you have to marry- aurora said concerned for the duke hurting further Daphne's feelings.

Anthony- You have defiled her innocence and now refuse her hand? I knew you were a rake, Hastings, never thought a villain.

S- I cannot marry her

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now