chapter 16-good pair

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Anthony and Aurora were already dancing as the duke and Daphne arrived and also started dancing.

A- you have to admit they do make a good pair

Anthony- they do, but I am also aware at the fact that the duke's intentions are not serious and he has no intention to marry

A- I believe I have already told you this, Daphne could make him change as I believe its already happening- aurora said with a smirk

Anthony then didn't say anything and stared at her eyes, as they both became aware of their closeness.

A- is there something in my face?- aurora asked jokingly but could feel the tension of the viscount gaze.

Anthony- your eyes, I've never seen anything similar, they are- they are quite beautiful- Anthony said as aurora blushed and smiled

A- none has ever told me such thing- aurora said staring right back at his eyes their faces inches apart as they continued dancing, both of them glancing down at each other's lips. Just as the dance finished they both separated, both of them letting agitated breaths.

A- if you'll excuse me I have to find Simon, I shall find you again later Anthony- aurora said as she made her way to her aunt and brother breathless

S- N-Nothing at all, Lady Danbury - Simon said as he saw aurora approach them 

D- are you feeling alright my dear?- asked softly her aunt

A- I am not sure- aurora said breathless- I- I- I don't know what's happening to me- aurora never felt this way, she sure had crushes before but never felt like this as she thought about it

S- I believe our Rory is starting to find herself in love- Simon chuckling said as Aurora glared him

A- no, no of course not I just need a little bit of air- aurora confessed as she headed outside

D- I really do hope the Viscount and aurora work themselves out before one of them is hurt- expressed Lady Danbury worrying for her niece

S- me too


Aurora found herself seated next to Lady bridgerton at the drawing room as Daphne and her mother were discussing who she might dance with, but aurora couldn't pay attention as she was sharing small glances with the Viscount. Until she heard Daphne talking about the duke.

Anthony- wise girl- Anthony said as Gregory stole a pice of his cake and Aurora laughed at this as Anthony gave her a playfully glare.

V- My dear, why ever do you complicate matters so? You must simply marry the man who feels like your dearest friend.

D- Is that it mama? well, how very simply indeed!

V- Yes, quite

D- enough about me, how about you talk with aurora and Anthony,  you see, they were dancing various times at last night's ball mama.- Daphne said as Aurora chocked while drinking her tea and Anthony buried his face deeper into his paper. Daphne smirked towards the pair as Benedict laughed at their reaction.

A- I believe this is family private conversation, I shall take my leave now, thank you for letting me stay- Aurora rapidly said

V- oh nonsense you shall stay Rory, I did intend to speak to you. 

Anthony- well I have business to attend- Anthony said trying to escape himself too as aurora glared at him- brothers, sisters, Rory, mother- he said while making his way out

V- this discussion doesn't end her- lady bridgerton said- Anthony!- she lightly yelled but he was already out the door

D-now Rory, what are your intentions with my brother?- Daphne said while smirking as aurora glared at her

A- I- well- I- I don't- Aurora stuttered as a Mail man came

MM- Lady Danbury requests Miss Aurora's presence at the Danbury manor

A- ah yes very well- aurora said relieved- I shall definitely take my leave now thank you and goodbye- aurora practically said rushing out the door as she mentally thanked her aunt

stealing your smile- ANTHONY BRIDGERTONWhere stories live. Discover now