chapter 21- spilled champagne

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D- You have been rather reserved all evening, Your Grace.

A- Yes that's true, what is wrong Simon?

S-I have decided to leave England earlier than expected. Apologies, Lady Danbury, Rory, but I believe it is time for me to go.

A- What? no you can not possibly leave this early, I thought you would stay till the end of the season. And what about Daphne?

S- Me and Daphne are done.- Simon said as aurora sent him a glare

A- You did not- she said angrily as she scanned the room in search of her best friend.

D- You're foolish.

Aurora then saw Daphne walk down stunning, she felt so proud of her best friend. She saw as she and the prince started the first dance, although she could tell she was just doing it to put jealous the duke.

She felt bad for her brother who immediately left, but she knew it was his fault for not proposing.

She excused herself from her aunt as she went for a drink. She grabbed a glass of champagne and as she turned around she felt her cold drink spilling all over her gown. And then she looked up to see who was the cause of this mess, only to be met with Anthony's scared eyes. She was beyond furious as she stormed past him and decided to find a restroom.

 He was following her closely behind until they reached an empty hall.

Anthony- I am so sorry Rory

A- you are sorry?!!- aurora angrily exclaimed- I can't believe you! you just ruined a very expensive gown!

Anthony- It's barely noticeable, It will dry off I assure you. Here let me help you- Anthony said as he was going to search for towels in the restroom.

A- No way- aurora said blocking the entrance- I will fix this, the only way you can help is leaving me alone- aurora said frustrated

Anthony- My apologies- Anthony said sadly- I will leave - he said as he disappeared

Aurora felt a ping of guiltiness, but she shook it off quickly as she tried drying her dress with a towel. The wet stain started to fade away and was camouflaged with the gown's patterns. Aurora then decided to go back to the ball and ask her aunt to leave home early, she was tired and did not want to spend any second in this ball. 

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