**Charlie’s POV**
“I feel so guilty.” I say aloud for the millionth time. “When do you think she will be home?” I ask Fred worriedly. He helps me tuck the sleeping triplets into bed. We creep out of the room before he answers.
“I don’t know. But I saw her eyes before she left. She had a vision. She wouldn’t leave it wasn’t absolutely essential.” Fred assures me. I nod trying to suppress the dread that has been increasing steadily in my chest.
**Guinevere’s POV**
“Are you sure, Severus?” I ask tugging my black hood closer to my face.
“I am positive, Ms.—Weasley is it now?” Severus teases.
“Almost.” I smile, not quite forgetting the events of this morning. “On another note, I will need help keeping track of Potter in order to assist him. Should I need you do you still have that item I gave you last year?” He asks seriously. I nod as I rub the smooth rock in my pocket.
“I carry it with me everywhere.” I tell him.
“Good.” He replies. “When I need you it will burn hot. When it does, apparate to me. It will lead the way. I will make sure wherever I am is safe and that neither you nor I will be found out. Now you must leave. I have appearances to make.” Severus tells me turning away. “Oh and the Dark Lords name is now taboo. Do not say it unless you wish for a visit by one of his minions.”
“Are you sure my dad is dead. I’m not sure how Allura would have known what he looks like to paint him.” I ask once again pushing the taboo warning to the back of my mind. I feel Severus’ agitation with the question. “I also had a strange vision about him.”
“Perhaps it’s an old vision, or someone is following you pretending to be him. Maybe they are trying to trick you. I do not know. Keep your wits about you and never let your guard down. I will call for you if I hear anything on the matter. Also, the Dark Lord is proposing a meeting tonight. He wants a price on your head as you are too valuable to the Order. Get to a safe house that is not your own. From past experiences I do not trust protective enchantments. He is determined to find a way in. Break connections with loved ones if necessary. No go.” He demands. I begin to speak but hear a loud pounding on the door to Snape’s headquarters so I apparate in a near panic.
I stand outside of my house awaiting the fighting that will surely come between Charlie and me. I only hope no one is here to witness it. I take a deep breath before walking inside.
It is extremely late and all the lights in the house are out. I plop down on the couch. Severus’ words are weighing heavily on my mind. I guess it was foolish of me to believe that Voldemort wouldn’t come after me after I escaped him what seems like a lifetime ago. But why couldn’t I take my family?
“I know that look.” Fred says whispers. I jump suddenly realizing I’m sitting on his feet.
“Good God, Fred! You gave me a heart attack!” I yell as quietly as possible.
“Yea, well.—Where were you?” He asks suspiciously. I swallow the lump in my throat. “Spit it out. We have only been best friends for eight years.”
“I’m going to have to leave.” I say solemnly. Fred remains silent for a moment. His face is riddled with shock that slowly turns to horror.
“No--!” He sputters manically. “I remember what happened last time you said that. And you would do well to remember too!”
“Fred—if I don’t leave it will put all of the family in danger. I cannot risk it.” I reply calmly.
“It’s a risk we are all taking. Hell, we are at risk every day just for being associated with Harry Potter!” Fred yells. I plead with my eyes for him to calm down. The last thing I needed was to wake Charlie and the triplets up. Fred sighs in exasperation. “That’s what you seen this morning, huh?
“Yes,” I lie smoothly. “But I do know the separation will not be for long. The rest of the family will be forced into hiding as well. It’s only a matter of time, but until then, you just need to pretend I left. Hell, Charlie can date and maybe that will prove to everyone I’m no longer around.”
“So, I’m supposed to be fine with all of this.” Charlie says from the staircase. Both Fred and I whirl around to see a disgruntled red haired man with a baby girl snoozing on his shoulder.
At first I am lost for words. I know this is bad, especially after the hostility of this morning events. I continue to try and find the words to speak before Fred speaks up.
“Charlie, you and I both know she wouldn’t say this if she had any other option.” Fred tells Charlie softly.
“Why can I not come?” He asks desperately. My heart sinks.
“My source tells me that You-Know-Who is trying to find a way to break the enchantments to the Safe House. Someone told him where I was staying and is spreading the word that I left you to fend for yourself. He is not interested in you, only me.”
“Why aren’t you calling him Vold--?” Fred begins but I quickly interrupt him.
“We cannot utter his name. He has put a trace on it and death eaters will be sent to the areas where it was traced. He figures he can find out where our headquarters is that way.” I tell both of them still panicking slightly. “We need to call a meeting for first thing in the morning. Send out the notifications.”
“Angelina will be here.” Fred teases. I roll my eyes hiding the fact that I’m becoming slightly nervous. One just doesn’t get over school trauma. We stand in silence before Charlie speaks up.
“What did she do?” He asks slowly. I start to speak when Allura’s head rises from Charlie’s shoulders and she frantically jumps from his arms.
“Grandpa’s here!” She yells excitedly.
“Grandad’s at work.” Charlie tells her as he attempts to scoop her back up.
“I said grandpa.” She retorts with a sassy attitude. Fred, Charlie and I look at one another horrified as someone knocks on the door.

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...