**Charlie’s POV**
I don’t know what to do or say. Guinevere is on her hands and knees screaming. Mum and dad are hysterical and my boy is crying. My unconscious Jacob is safe in my arms. Thankfully he is oblivious to this.
My chest burns. I try to lift Guinevere but she runs from me to the pile of rubble. The only thing visibly is Fred’s face and a few strands of Allura’s hair. I hand Jacob to Guin’s father and run to help her lift the debris. Dad magically vanishes it. I weep over my beautiful daughter. I touch her still warm face. Guinevere rubs Fred’s face. She is becoming seemingly emotionless. Of course I know her pain. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it. She quickly retracts it and picks up Allura. Dad follows her with Fred and together they walk through all of the rebounding spells to the Great Hall. Mum carries Jacob and Percy has Charlie Jr.
No sooner than we get in the Great Hall do we hear Voldemort’s voice booming over grounds. He tells us to bury our dead and gather our wounded. He speaks to Harry. He gives Harry one hour to meet him in the Forbidden Forest.
All I can think of is killing them all. First my fiancée, mother of my children was unfairly taken from me. Next my brother and daughter were senselessly murdered. The anguish building inside of me is indescribable.
I watch Guinevere gently kiss Fred on the lips. This stings but I let go. She kisses Allura. Her badly beaten skin is sickening.
I come up behind Guinevere and pick up Allura. I hold her tight and grieve. I feel my brothers and dad squeeze my shoulder sympathetically. I see Harry out of the corner of my eye. He looks as distraught as Guin and me. Ron slowly approaches the scene with Hermione. They both kneel over Fred crying. George rubs his hair and hugs Ron. Both cry even harder at the sight of Allura.
"Where’s Harry?" Guinevere asks weakly, trying to muster up enough strength to move. Both Hermione and Ron look at one another in horror. Guinevere simply strolls out to face the now retreating death eaters.
**Guinevere’s POV**
"Don’t do this." My real dad tells me. I swiftly kiss my boys as Madame Pomfrey comes to mend them.
"I love you, my babies." I say gently.
"Guinevere, don’t do this." He says louder.
"I don’t know what you mean."
"Oh, you do. You’re your mother’s child. We both know what you intend to do. It’s a death sentence."
"I don’t care. I don’t have anything left for me. My boys don’t know me. Fred’s gone. Allura’s gone." These words burn my throat as they come out. "Charlie’s gone."
I walk out.
"Go get her." My family yells. George is the loudest among them. Charlie runs behind me and whirls me around. He kisses me passionately.
**Charlie’s POV**
I can only think of one thing to do and I do it. But she pushes me away. I feel terrible for what I have done to my brother but I’m at a loss for anything.
"Don’t go." I plead. I fall to my knees in hopeless longing. She glances back at me with almost an apologetic look then proceeds on. I see her father panicking. He swiftly grabs a chair and hits her on the back of the head. I look at him in total shock.
"You can bring her about when the battle starts back up. There’s no point in letting her kill herself now." He tells us. I feel grateful for him.
"Oh, Bill!" Fleur screeches as she runs into his arms. He grasps her tightly. "I’m so sorry. I couldn’t stop them! How are they?"
The sickness in my stomach is returning. Bill points to Fred and Allura, she has been laid on top of him. She immediately cries out in pain.
"Charlie, I’m so sorry!"
I simply nod. The horror on her face intensifies as she notices Remus and Tonks as well.
"We have lost so many."
The defeated look in her face is undeniable.
"What now?" She asks trying to push back her tears.
"We wait." Is the only reply I can muster.
**Guinevere’s POV**
My head is spinning. Visions of mangled bodies litter my mind. The hopelessness inside is overwhelming. But this is all a dream, of course. My daughter isn’t dead and neither is Fred. Charlie didn’t marry another woman and we a due to be married soon.
But how can I deny my love for Fred? He was my first love, even thinking about Cedric. Maybe the past should be the past. But that’s too late. Charlie and I, what about us?
Would he forgive my betrayal? Would I forgive his, or better yet, my own as well?

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...