** Charlie’s POV**
My world around me crashes. Everything is in slow motion. I can barely hear the screams in the room; my thoughts, or lack of thoughts, pound in my skull. My hands slowly rise to my head. I am slowly losing control of myself. Arms wrap around me. Ginny is holding me. More screams fill the room. Blurred faces of Bill and Fleur pass through my eyes as they too kneel before Guinevere. George yells out in pain as Fred embraces him, tears running down both of their faces. Dad holds mum, who is sobbing in his chest. Mrs. Diggory is sitting on the side of the bed, Guinevere’s hand in hers. For the first time I realize how old she is. Her hair is grayed and faced is lined from her years of worry and tragedy. As everything comes back into focus, I embrace her. She holds me tightly before pulling away, squeezing my hand.
“Get out of my way!” Hermione shouts shoving everything and everyone from her path. Ron is on her heels. Out of her pocket she pulls a tiny vial of something. I watch as she quickly covers her wound with it. The wound slowly disappears. “Madame Pomfrey is on her way.” She says rushed. Dad touches her shoulder.
“She’s gone.” He says quietly. Her shaky hands continue to move quickly.
“Ron, hand me that potion.” She requests, ignoring the chaos that surrounds her. He fumbles with something in his pocket and quickly shoves it into her hands.
“Will she be okay?” Fred asks, face full of hope. I can’t bear to watch it. I apparate to the first spot I can think of, the field where I first met Guin. I lie in the tall grass for minutes, hours, years? I don’t know. All I can see is her face but the longer I picture it, the more blurred it becomes.
“Charlie?” Bill asks cautiously from behind. I swallow the lump in my throat before replying. My voice is hoarse and barely audible when I say “what?”
“Guinevere wants to see you.” He tells me smiling. I’m dreaming, of course.
“Stop taunting me.” I reply hurt.
“I’m serious.” He tells me offering his hand to help me up.
“That Hermione, she’s amazing. She saved her, just in time too. Madame Pomfrey is going to give her a sleeping draught so you better hurry if you want to see her.” Bill tells me, still grinning.
“You’re serious?” I ask not wanting to set myself up for disappointment. He nods. I take his hand and he helps me up.
“Better dust yourself off or Madame Pomfrey won’t let you in.” He laughs. I dust off trying to force a laugh. It doesn’t work. I apparate will Bill and seconds later, my shaky hand is opening the door to Guinevere’s room. The bloody mess has been cleaned up. Now a beautiful woman is lying in clean, white sheets. Her cheeks are their rosy, normal color. “You look—stunning.” I choke out. She smiles down at the little bundle in her arms.
“She’s already fed the boys. The girl isn’t near grumpy.” Ginny giggles. She’s holding a boy, my son. “Here.” She says holding him out. I look nervously at dad. He nods and smiles at me. Shakily I hold my hands out for him. His little hands wrap around my finger. His dark blue eyes stare into mine.
“Wow, I never thought I would be holding a son of my own.” I say to myself.
“That’s Charlie Jr.” Mum says holding her arms out to grab him. I reluctantly give him to her. “This is Jacob.” Mrs. Diggory tells me handing me my other son. His eyes are the same dark blue. Both of the boys have strawberry blonde hair, not the flaming red hair that my brothers and I have.
“I want to see my daughter.” I say handing a very happy Mrs. Diggory my son. I walk up to Guinevere who is breast feeding.
“Her name is Allura Lillian Weasley.” Guin tells me before kissing our daughter on the top of the head. Her eyes are a bright green and her hair is dark brown. She looks just like Guinevere. “So beautiful.” I whisper, unable to take my eyes off of her.

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...