**Fred’s POV**
A month and a half has already gone by without Guinevere. Yea, I have had tons of fun exploring old tombs and my usual scheming with George, but being without Guinevere was making me go mad. All in all, she is the evil mastermind to my inventions and this insanely gorgeous girl that I fell in love with over the years.
I stare out the window ready to go home and see Guin which thankfully we were to meet her at the Leaky Cauldron the following day. I am lost in thought when I hear George say, “You know, I miss her too.” I turn sharply around ignoring the pain in my neck. I didn’t even know he had come in.
“You miss Kay?” I ask a little confused. George blushes deeply, which is unusual since we tell each other everything and can usually guess what the other is thinking.
“Actually, I meant Guinevere. – She is my best friend as well” George adds hastily. “You know I have been thinking of breaking things off with Kay.”
“Why?” I asked concerned. I’m around him every second of the day and notice that he throws all of her letters to the side without so much as reading them but as soon as he gets one from Guin he tears it open and reads it anxiously. “Wait!” I yell as it hits me. “You into Guin, -- as more than a friend, I mean!” I stare up at George who looks horrified but quickly regains his composure.
“No, she is MY BEST FRIEND! Let’s not forget to say she is like a sister to me.” He retorts defensively. I drop my glare.
“Okay, maybe I got paranoid,” I say smiling at my brother. “After all, if I can’t trust you, who else do I have?” I ask trying to get off his toes, so to speak. George just smiles at me. “So what are you going to do about Kay? And why do you want to leave Kay?” I ask changing the subject. Not just because I didn’t want to fight with George, but because I wasn’t the one to want to discuss my feelings towards others. George was the same way.
“Well,” George says thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. “I’m just not into her. All she wants to do is snog. She has no personality and I just don’t really like her.”
“Wow,” I laugh, “is there anything you do like about her?”
“Not really. Well, I like how she and Guin are friends I suppose. We all can spend more time with her like that.”
“Yea, you right.” I shrug. “But you better not lead Kay on. She might get kind of scary on you.” I muse as George shudders at the thought of an over obsessed Kay.
“I’m going to break it off, just as soon as I figure out how.” George tells me as he plops down on the bed. I hear him sigh when the bedroom door bursts open.
“Get packing, now! I will meet you tomorrow. Guinevere’s been in a bad accident and I have to leave.” Mum says completely panicked as she grabs and kisses us. Half a second later she is gone leaving George and I to gape at one another. We have the same horrified expression.
**Guinevere’s POV**
“What the bloody hell were you thinking?” Mrs. Weasley screeched as Mrs. Kerr cowered in her shadow. “What kind of parent are you? My daughter comes home with piercings and tattoos and barely alive! Then you take her to a muggle hospital; if your husband wasn’t a drunk and you weren’t an incompetent mother none of this would have happened!” She yelled as she paced around the room. My heart dropped. It wasn’t entirely her fault. Kay had been silent through Mrs. Weasley’s ranting until that moment.
“Don’t yell at my mom! Guinevere isn’t your daughter and it’s her fault, not ours!” Kay yelled an inch away from Mrs. Weasley’s face. They glared at one another until Mrs. Kerr grabbed Kay and they stormed out of the hospital room.

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...