**Guinevere’s POV**
“George, Bill and Charlie know.” Fred tells me as we sit in the tall grass in the backyard. “They have promised not to tell anyone.”
“I can’t believe this.” I say for the millionth time. “He must hate me.”
“I think he hates himself. He’s married and having a child with another woman. Don’t you think he started this?”
“It technically wasn’t his fault.” I reply. I feel completely dazed.
“I love you so much, Guinevere. But I don’t want to be the one that comes between you and your happiness. If it’s not me you want, I’ll leave it be.”
At this point I’m confused. Everything is in a whole new perspective. “I miss when this was between you and George.”
“Who would you have picked?” He asks curiously.
“George.” I reply simply.
“Because he needed me. He was more devoted to finding me.” I reply. The hurt look of Fred’s face tears me up so I quickly tell him that it would have been my choice before. He looks less pale after I explain.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad—and a step dad to my niece and nephews.” Fred says aloud. The thought makes my stomach turn. I never thought about us being married. I guess I only had time to think about Charlie—the father of my triplets and the man who loved me unconditionally—the man who was married and fathering someone else’s child.
**Charlie’s POV**
“What do I do, Bill?” I ask my brother who I knew was just as stuck as me. The sympathetic look on his face makes me feel worse. “I can’t stay married to her. I can’t love her—not after finding Guinevere. But Guinevere betrayed me with my own brother!”
Bill pats me firmly on the arm. “Well, you betrayed her first. She left to keep us safe and you slept with another woman and she’s carrying your child. I might add that she is much farther along than Guin is.”
“It’s not my fault! She drugged me! I honestly don’t really remember much. I just remember her coming by one day after Guinevere left.” My voice trails off as I try to remember the details of our intimate life.
“Well, if you won Guinevere back to do you think you could raise Fred’s child as your own—so that nobody knew it was not yours?” Bill asks truly curious. I think about it. I would love to wipe their memory of their love affair and make them think that baby was mine but the truth of the matter was that I couldn’t forgive them and I could not love their child as my own. And Bill knew this too. “Well, then live with what happened.” And with this Bill walks away.
“Daddy, are you back?” A beautiful, dark haired girl asks me. It’s my daughter Allura. I feel like I haven’t seen her in a very long time.
“Yes, I am back, baby.” I scoop her in my arms.
“Good. Now you and mommy and be happy again. And that mean lady will go away.”
“She’s mean to you?” I ask.
“Yes, you always let her be mean to me and be mean to mommy too.” She tells me crossing her arms. She looks so much like her mother. But her words send guilt running through my spine and my chest aches.
“Well she won’t be mean to you anymore.” I assure her. She kisses me lightly on the cheek before running outside to sit by her mom.
I watch Guinevere embrace our daughter. It’s hard to believe that she was pregnant only a little over a year ago. Good times, I think. But that’s not true. There was always something in the way.
I continue to wallow in my thoughts when I hear the door slowly creak open. “Charlie,” a light, nervous voice calls from behind. I turn to see Vanessa staring at me. Her eyes are red and bloodshot and her belly is about to burst the seams of her wedding dress.
“I know what I did was wrong. But it was the only way I could keep you. I have waited years for you to commit to me and you then you leave to visit your family and leave me because of a girl you just met. It’s not fair!” Vanessa cries. I suddenly feel a guilt rupture in my stomach. “Please forgive me. Not just for me, but for our unborn child.”
I’m starting to feel sick now. All the memories are flooding back to me. “Why did you make me tell Allura her mother didn’t love her? Why did u keep me and my children away from my family?” I ask backing away from her. She looks desperate.
“I knew they would see something wasn’t right.”
“And you love me. That’s why you did this? You love me but made me the unhappiest man in the universe. You ruined my life and now—now I you’re having a child I don’t want!” The words are venom coming from my mouth. My heart is racing and my vision is failing me. Anger is completely consuming me.
“You—you don’t want our child?” Vanessa asks tenderly touching her stomach. “Did you forget your BROTHER is fathering HER child?”
I start to come up with a comeback, but her words are true—and mine unnecessary. Guinevere walks from behind me punches her in the face. Her nose breaks from the pressure. Vanessa lays on the floor unconscious.
“It’s not your child anyways.” Guinevere tells me. I try to look at her but her stomach catches my eye.
“That one isn’t either.” I say pointing her to obviously protruding stomach. I feel dead inside, and my voice shows it.
“Guinevere, come on. We need to let things dwindle down and take time to process everything that has happened.” George tells her grabbing her arm.
“No time.” Fred says from behind her. “Harry is at Hogwarts.”

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...