**Fred’s POV**
“Has anyone heard anything about Guinevere and her father?” Dad asks, voice strained. He rubs his forehead in distress.
“You-Know-Who has deployed all of his forces to find her and Potter. He believes that they will be together.” Kingsley replies. The room is in utter silence.
“I think she’s leading him away from Harry. She makes subtle appearances to where he gets close enough to grab her and then she just disappears.” I say.
“She’s stupid. He must still be humiliated by the fact she escaped his grasp once. She won’t be so lucky the next go round.” Vanessa tells the group. I impulsively glare at her.
To catch everyone up, Vanessa and Charlie have begun to date. Guinevere has been gone almost two months and she has spent every second using Guin’s absence to wrap him up. George and I hate her. I must admit mum and dad do too, they are just more subtle about it. Allura won’t even come near Charlie anymore, she is so perceptive for someone so young. The boys almost seem to have forgotten about Guinevere, which I know will break her heart.
As I start to ponder about Guin, Bill storms through the door, Fleur at his heel.
“Look at this!” He yells throwing the Daily Prophet on the table. On the first page is a picture of Guinevere pointing her wand at a pimply boy and then killing him; it flashes before my eyes. The caption reads “Extremely Dangerous: Is wanted dead or alive for the murder of at least three families in various wizarding communities and the famed wand maker Gregorovitch. One hundred thousand galleons to whoever hands her to the authorities.”
“She needs to lay low or she will be caught.” Angelina says after a few minutes of shocked silence.
Everyone agrees except Vanessa. “Well, Harry is more important than she is. And I might add she left you all high and dry. How do we know she didn’t betray us?”
“She left to keep us safe, especially HER family.” George and I yell in unison. We smirk at each other before looking at Vanessa. “What do you think, Charlie?” Nothing is said, instead he stares guiltily down at the table.
“What do YOU think?” Vanessa prods him. He stares up at her.
“I think she betrayed us. And I know you guys do not want to believe it, but I do. And that’s why I want to move on. I need Vanessa to do this which is why I want you to marry me Vanessa. It should have been you.”
And with his statement I apparate home.
** Guinevere’s POV**
“He’s moved on, dad. It’s been four months since I have been gone. It’s March and I have missed so much of the triplet’s lives. The boys barely remember me and they are calling Vanessa mom! Dad, I left to save them and now Charlie is marrying another woman this June when Ginny goes on break! I’m going crazy!” I yell in exasperation. Dad wraps me in his loving arms and kisses me on the top of the head.
“Baby girl, I know how you feel. I lost my entire family to this cause. As much as losing your mom hurt, it kept you safe this long.” And with that I slump into the damp chair of the grungy motel we are staying at.
**Fred’s POV**
“What are you doing here, Fred?” Vanessa asks as I walk into the house. I scowl at her while grabbing Allura. “You’re not taking her. It’s too dangerous.”
“You’re not her mother.” I retort nastily.
“I will be in June.”
Before I have time to argue Charlie trots down the stairs. “Guess what?” He asks happily.
“We’re having a baby!” They say in unison.
My heart sinks and I feel Allura’s tiny hands dig into my arm.
“Is it true.” I ask Allura. She nods.
“I know where mommy is.” She whispers in my ear. “Let’s go.”
“Well, I’m not going anywhere tonight and I want to spend time with Allura. I’m opening a new product line for young children and I need her to help me test them. I’ll bring her home in a couple of days. – It gives you two more celebration time!” I wink. I watch horrified as Charlie and Vanessa give one another a look of pleasure. It makes me shudder.
“Okay, just have her home on Sunday.”
“I sure will. Congrats you two.”
** Guinevere’s POV**
“It’s close.” I tell dad wearily. The rain pours down on the leaky roof and I feel more depressed than usual.
“After the battle, you can go home to your family. You can steal Charlie back.” Dad says comfortingly.
“She’s pregnant.” I reply solemnly. I feel dad shudder. “I can’t be mad. I left.”
“For a good reason.”
“I lost what I wanted to protect.”
“You di--- Shh.” Dad throws me my wand and grabs my arm ready to apparate on a seconds notice.
“Don’t go, mommy!” A little girl’s voice hollers from the darkness. Petrified, I stare intently at the darkness. Seconds later a soaked Fred and Allura appear out of the darkness. Allura jumps from his arms and begins to sob into my legs. I pick her up and hold her close.
“How did you know where we were?” I ask stunned. Fred points to my beautiful little girl who is now reaching for my dad who gratefully takes her.
“I’m staying with you. I’m not going back with daddy.” Allura yells stubbornly. I gently rub her head.
“It’s okay baby girl. Momma is here.”

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanficGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...