** Fred’s POV**
Its Christmas night and the entire Order is over for dinner. We are also having a meeting to discuss plans for getting Guinevere back from Voldemort. I listen brokenheartedly.
“We can’t get her, it’s too dangerous.” Moody yells to Harry who is volunteering to help search for her. Harry fights back with the hope we can still save her. Remus agrees with Moody but Tonk’s agrees with Harry. Our family, of course, is all for sending a search party. Bill offers to lead it. I can’t seem to find my voice to volunteer. George is in the same boat I am. Mum is tore between both ends. She wants Guin back but doesn’t want to risk the family or anyone else for that matter. I guess it’s a double edge sword. It’s not like this isn’t a possible suicide mission, which Kingsley points out.
“So, we will start searching tonight.” Sirius says firmly ignoring every opposing voice in the room. I feel a surge of gratitude for him. “Those of you who are underage will not participate. Also, those of you who feel it is too dangerous will stay here to be lookouts in case she escapes before we get to her.” He tells the room. Harry and Ron shot out protest and refuse to be left behind. I see mum put her face and her hands and sob quietly.
“You will not send a search party.” Snape tells the room firmly as he burst through the doors of the kitchen. Sirius sneers at him.
“We will do as we please.” Sirius retorts nastily.
“The girl is dead. She refused to give Voldemort any information after countless attempts of the Cruciatus Curse.” He tells everyone in such a cold hearted voice that I feel the urge the jump across the table and punch his square in his nose.
“You lie. Where is her body?” I ask not believing him. The rest of the Order looks at him expectantly.
“Her body was mutilated beyond recognition. Afterwards she was fed to the snake.” He tells me glaring. Snape seems to get a sense of satisfaction from everyone’s look of repulsion. My stomach begins to burn. The rest of the room looks as queasy as I feel. George leans over his chair and vomits all over the floor. I stand up and run up to my room, closely followed by George. We each collapse on our bed screaming out in pain.
“WHY!?” I hear George yell loudly. He presses his face in his pillow as screams. I feel too weak to scream anymore. I lay my head down on my pillow and think of the last thing I ever told her.
**Guinevere’s POV**
“Tell me where the prophecy is!” Voldemort yells in my face. I close my eyes tightly and hold my breath trying not to breathe in his decaying stench. My most horrifying nightmares could not have prepared me for this. I remain still and silent. “Crucio!” He yells for the tenth time tonight. My scream echoes throughout Malfoy manor. Many of the Death Eaters clap in enjoyment, including Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the escapees from Azkaban.
Voldemort’s torture last all night. I am humiliated and tortured by fellow Death Eaters. Finally, he gives up and sends me to the basement of the Malfoy manor. Draco shows me the way.
“You’re lucky they don’t throw you in the dungeon.” Draco tells me smirking. My face remains unreadable. “In you go!” He tells me pushing me through the door. From there I am stripped down to my undergarments as a form of torture. The basement is nearly freezing. The concrete floors are ice cold.
Draco shoves me into the stone wall and chains me down. My wand was left in my old bedroom so I cannot escape.
“You stupid girl.” A frail old man comments to the left of me. I look over and see the remnants of my father. His long, gray hair is thinning and he is stick thin.
“I have my reasons.” I say firmly, trying not to look over at him. I can’t help but hold resentment towards him even though I know my mom’s death wasn’t his fault. It’s just that believing it was for so long makes forgiving more difficult.
He sighs. “I know, I was just hoping you wouldn’t get caught.”
“Me? Quite the contrary--” I tell him numbly thinking of the last things said between Fred, George and I.
Month after month passes and I remain chained up to the wall across from my father. My dad has become my dad once again. We have become close only for him to slowly die right before my eyes. We often talk about mom and that fateful day that changed our lives forever. He begged mom to trade him spots so he would die and not her. He asked her to make Polyjuice potion so that in the end, she could escape with me. But she chose death in hopes it would keep me safer. I could see his pain each time we talked about it. All the bitterness towards him has been replaced by deep sympathy for his pain. I now know what he feels. Our perfect lives were ripped away from us and now we are forced to live the days with nothing more than humiliation and a great desire for something as merciful as death. Escaping doesn’t even seem as wonderful as death because now we are broken, broken beyond repair and I wasn’t treated near as harsh as my now dying father.
The first month of my capture I was greeted by Voldemort. Sanity slipped away from me each moment I was with him. The Cruciatius Curse was my new worst enemy. It was so much more than blinding physical pain. I always thought of the life I could be living had I not been captured. I refused to let slip any information he wanted. I remained silent through each interrogation, aside my screams of pain. Soon, I didn’t fear him, nor did I fear death. Instead, I welcomed it.
After the first month, I was greeted each morning by Bellatrix Lestrange. She was crueler than Voldemort. Each day I had a new wound or bruise. She even went as far to carve ‘blood traitor’ across my forehead and wrists. The scars were deepening each day. Dad was tortured daily because of me. After Bellatrix was finished with me, she went on to dad to get to me to talk. As much as it killed me to let my dad be tortured, it was nothing compared to what would happen had I gave her any information.
Towards the beginning of summer, Voldemort’s forces took a huge blow when he was discovered at the ministry. Now the world was on high alert but at the same time, Voldemort lashed out even more forcefully than ever because he did not have to worry about being exposed. It also meant horrifying times for my dad and I because we were the people they took out their frustration on. We were members of the Order they could seek their revenge on.
The day following the fiasco at the ministry, I was greeted by Voldemort and Bellatrix. They both had expressions of sheer anger written across their face. I would have much rather seen smiles from the satisfaction knowing they could kill me at any moment.
“Sectumsempra!” Voldemort yells at my dad. Cuts appear in the very spots Voldemort waved his wand. My dad falls to the ground twitching until he gasps his last breath of air. Bellatrix squeals in delight as he turns on me.

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...