**Guinevere’s POV**
I wake up sometime during the day. Light is pouring in from the open window. The wind from outside stirs around dust so a light cloud of it circulates through the room. I continue to take in my surroundings until I hear movement from below. I inhale sharply as I feel an ache in my chest. I try to remember what exactly had happened and why I wasn’t in my room. It takes a few minutes but I remember everything up until I see a yellow light shoot from dad’s wand.
I hear footsteps nearing my room and I hurriedly position myself to make it looks as though I was still sleeping. The door creaks open and I feel a soft touch pushing loose strands of hair from my face. A few moments later I feel a light peck on the lips and the door creaks closed.
I don’t dare to open my eyes but curiosity soon overcomes me. I wearily peak through slits until I am sure nobody is in the room. Ok, I think to myself. What do I do? The answer is subconscious. I think of my dad all alone and tortured while I’m sitting here doing nothing. I decide to wait until everyone is asleep and sneak out. All my things are in my room so I quietly pack everything into a small bag being extremely careful as to not make so much as a squeak. Leaving would be so much harder with goodbyes, if they would even allow me to leave.
All day I pretend to be asleep. It’s hard not telling Fred and George what I am up too because I know how hard it is on them. They come to check on me often. Throughout the day I begin to of Cedric. I am sure that my dream wasn’t a dream, that it was real. It reminds me that I need to go see Mr. and Mrs. Diggory. I bet they are still completely torn up about everything. It also makes me want to talk to Fred, to open up about everything that I am feeling. But alas, this is war and everything other than fighting is on the back burner.
I fall asleep sometime before supper. The smell of turkey consumes my room and my stomach aches with hunger. I close my eyes tightly trying to ignore it but end up falling asleep instead. I wake up around one or two in the morning. The house is completely quiet.
I throw my bag over my shoulder and silently creep down the stairs. I am almost to the front door when I nearly knock Kreacher the house elf over. He stares lividly up at me. I place my hand over my lips as he begins to scream, “The mudblood is up! Come get her before she destroys the house again!” I think about killing him on the spot out of anger but end up running from the house. I sprint down the street and hide behind a mailbox.
“Guinevere?” I hear dad call out running down the street. Mom is at his heels. I lean tightly to the mailbox, they are getting closer now. Right as the run past me I realize I can disapparate so I do so. I disapparate to the first place I can think of, Cedric's grave in the garden.
I kneel down to wipe the dust off his grave when I hear someone walk up behind me.
“This is a foolish decision, Guinevere.” I whip my head around and yank my wand from my pocket. Severus Snape is standing there with his pointed straight at me.
“This doesn’t concern you.” I spit at him not lowering my wand, he doesn’t either.
“Oh but it does. I promised your dad that I would protect you.” He says calmly. I know that he is telling the truth but I can’t bring myself to lower my wand.
“I’ve got to help.” I say confidently. Snape rolls his eyes and disarms me.
“Your dad wouldn’t want this. You will get your chance but you’re not ready. They are waiting to ambush you. You must wait until the time is right. Now go home. I will escort you. Now do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?” Snape asks me, wand still pointed at my chest. I throw my hands up in defeat.
“Will you tell me what’s going on?” I ask knowing the answer.
“Not yet, but in time. Now you already know my role in the Order. You must not tell a soul. You must act as though you hate me. You cannot show any compassion towards me or my cover will be blown.” He tells me in a barely audible whisper.
“I know,” I reply lightly. “But can you at least tell me how they know about me and my – gift?”
“Your grandfather was a very loyal death eater. He volunteered his daughter, your mother, to do the Dark Lords bidding and when he did; your mom and dad went into hiding, pretending to be muggles. Your mother hated your grandfather and his cruelty.” He tells me softly. I feel myself stagger and he grabs my arm.
“So I’m not a mudblood?” I ask stunned.
“Don’t say that word!” Snape barks at me, but breaths in deeply and calms himself. “Your mum was a witch, your dad a muggle. Your grandfather imperiused your dad to kill your mum so you would be easier to get to when the time came.”
“So is any part of me I know, actually the truth?” I ask defeated, trying to comprehend all of this new information. Snape gives a small smile, or at least that’s what it looks like.
“Maybe, that’s for you to decide.” He replies. The rest of the trip back to headquarters is in silence. When we reach the top steps he grabs my shoulder. “Not a word, remember?”
I nod and he walks off. I inhale deeply trying to calm my nerves and walk through the door where my entire family, and the Order, is waiting on me.
We all sit in the dining area waiting for Dumbledore to arrive and give his critiques on the situation. I silently observe the room. Mom is whipping us up some breakfast in the kitchen. I hear conversations all around me but I don’t have the heart to join in any of them. Everything seems surreal as I sit thinking about everything I have learned in this last week. I am lost in thought until I feel a light squeeze on my leg and I turn to look at Fred who is starring worriedly at the table.

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...