**Guinevere’s POV**
“Go, now!” I yell to Hermione and Ron who are lingering by Charlie and me. They still do not move.
“Listen to her!” Charlie bellows. “Go alert the Order!” Ron and Hermione take one look at each other and decide to obey. They run into a secret passageway leaving Charlie and I to fend for ourselves. The Death Eaters are nearly to us now. I reach in my boot and yank my wand from it and point it to the nearest one. He grins madly at me.
“And I thought you were dead.” Bellatrix tells me grinning, poking her hear around the man. She advances to me which makes Charlie stand protectively in front of me. I stare at her with as much courage as I can muster. “Pleasure seeing you again; how’s the arm?” She muses peeking around Charlie’s muscular frame. I feel myself give an involuntary shudder. I stare down at my belly in fear, but in that split second it took me to look down, I see a red light shoot from Charlie’s wand and Bellatrix is blasted into the wall behind leaving me face to face with the man who is grinning madly at me.
“Don’t know who I am, do you?” He asks circling me. Charlie is dueling two death eaters in front of me. After glancing nervously at him I return my attention to the balding, thin man in front of me. “Answer me, stupid girl!” He shouts angrily. I shake my head taking a step back. “I’m Gunter, your grandfather.” He laughs pulling his wand on me. I am suddenly filled with anger; I lose all sense of fear even as red and green flashes fly all around me.
Gunter and I circle one another not tearing our eyes away from each other. “You don’t know how long I have wanted to meet you.” I tell him evilly. His rotten, toothy grin becomes wider.
“Likewise,” he mutters concentrating on me, not daring to look away.
“Gunter, let’s go!” Bellatrix yells running up the astronomy tower stairs.
“Stay here,” Snape whispers running after them. Charlie runs to my side grabbing my arm and leading me away.
“Why didn’t you go hide?” He asks brushing hair off my sweaty face.
“I had unfinished business to attend too.” I reply stubbornly. He kisses me on the forehead gently.
“You need to think about our babies.” Charlie retorts placing his hand on my stomach. I instantly feel guilty. “Go to Dumbledore’s office, we have it from here.” I nod and begin to walk away when he grabs my hand and swings me back to him. He slams his lips into mine before whispering, “Just in case.”
“I love you.” I blurt out completely unaware of what I am saying. It just sort of slipped out. Charlie stares wide eyed at me, clearly in shock. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “Take this.” He says reaching into his pocket.
“Go, now!” Snape’s voice penetrates every inch of the floor. Both Charlie and I jump back in alarm. We both had got lost in something else. I hear Bellatrix gleefully shouting in front of me.
“Here you go Fenrir, she’s all yours!” Bellatrix screams blasting a spell at the nearby wall. A huge chuck of stone comes hurdling towards Charlie and me. I start to cover my belly but in that instant Charlie throws his body over mine, shielding me. Trapped between an unconscious Charlie and the floor, Fenrir advances.
“You don’t know how long I have wanted this--.” He starts to tell me but loses his words. His long, dirty finger nail cuts my cheek. I feel the warm blood start run down my skin. He puts his grotesque face inches from mine inhaling the scent of my blood. His putrid breath fills my lungs as I see his sharp teeth closing in on my throat. All I can think about now is him ripping my throat out. Not only would this be the end to my life, but the life of my precious children.
Hot tears fun down my face as I prepare for the inevitable. That is, until I hear, “not my sister!” Seconds later Bill engages Fenrir in a battle. I take my newly found time to try and get the large stone off of Charlie. I try and heave it off his back but soon realize it is too heavy. I begin to panic when I try to wake Charlie and he doesn’t respond. I continue to strain to get up when I feel a terrible pain shoot through my body. I feel water gush all around my legs and soon I am overcome with pain, but not before I hear Bill’s screams of agony.
**Fred’s POV**
“Wingardium Leviosa!” George and I yell together. We get the stone off of Charlie’s mangled body as we notice Guin lying on the ground, convulsing. “Mum! Dad!” I yell grabbing their attention. Dad immediately grabs Charlie and runs to the hospital wing. George and I heave Guinevere up and follow him, mum at our heels.
“She’s going into labor!” Mum yells loudly. A swamped Madame Pomfrey shoves a bandage in to Fleur’s hands and tells her to tend to bill. She runs back out with two potions. Give this one to him, if we act now we may be able to save him. His back in severely broken. Make sure he swallows it all because if not, and he does live, he will be paralyzed.
I watch her uncork the second bottle and tilt it into Guin’s mouth. “What is that for?” Mum asks her nervously.
“It’s to stop her labor. If she has her babies now they may not live. She is not far enough along to have them yet.” Madame Pomfrey tells her watching Guin eagerly. Even Bill looks over in alarm.
No one breaths as we all watch Guin. Even mum is holding Charlie’s hand, crying for them both.
For what seems like hours, we wait for a word. Finally, Madame Pomfrey sighs in relief. She feels around on Guin’s stomach before announcing they were all fine.
“We need to make sure she stays asleep so she doesn’t panic about Charlie.” George says shocking us all. I pat him on the back as everyone nods in agreement. They give Guinevere a sleeping draught then focus their attention on Charlie and Bill.
“Glad to see you have finally come around.” I muse elbowing him. He just gives me a small smile.
“I was never really mad at her. I was really mad at myself.” George tells me after a while.
“Trust me, I know.” I tell him jokingly. “Join the club.”
“Do you think Charlie will be okay?” I whisper looking over to Charlie’s beaten body. George shrugs, “I don’t know, but I really hope so.”
The room becomes completely quite as a hysterical Harry opens the door.
“Dumbledore’s dead.” Remus announces walking into the room with teary eyes. We all look at each other in disgust and fear.

Undying Devotion: A Weasley Love Story.
FanfictionGuinevere is a young, shy girl when tragedy first strikes. Through her friendship with the Weasleys, she overcomes her greatest obstacle, her very self. When tragedy strikes again, only time can heal her wound but in the process, love seems to bloss...