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Hearing Maddox use my name and the word 'mine' in the same sentence does villainous things to me. I have never wanted to smile and throw up at the same time.

He has done his best to keep me at bay. I see the way he looks at me like a forbidden fruit he refuses to consume. My thoughts, on the other hand, only contain him taking me.

With each eye exchange, I try to entice him to cross the line. With each subtle touch, I hope he falls into the temptation of my olive warm skin and grants me the fortune of lying underneath him. Yet, he never descends into sin with me.

It will be sinful to be with Maddox. Not only because it will be betraying Marisa's feelings but rather for his rarity. He is meant to breed for the betterment of his kind. I am merrily a tool in this same ancient battle.

Why now Maddox? Don't play with my feelings. Please. Just don't.

I am not good enough to be with him, but he refuses to allow me to move on.

He is a selfish man, a wicked man.

This might be your chance, Helena, to get rid of your unwanted feelings. I think to myself.

I study alpha Zain, as he sizes up Maddox, standing up in response to his outburst. Zain's body is taunted. The sun from the window allows his muscles to shine through his white polo. This is a man who has honed his body. I can think of worse fates.

Marisa, her name runs through my head.

I could never leave her. Even if I could, I won't. She needs me. I need her. I sigh.

With a plain voice, I say, "This isn't a two-for-one special. Marisa is who was promised. It's Marisa you will have or no one at all."

Marisa gets up and walks to my side. She holds my hand.

"Helena is no one's but mine," she eyes her brother before continuing, "but I think you make sense alpha zain."

We all snap our heads at her.

"What," I mutter, squeezing her hand tighter.

She did not react. She wouldn't. My strength and hers are nowhere near the same level. I pinch the bridge of my nose, exasperated.

I am thinking of her. I continuously think about her well-being. Is she trying to sell me off right now? She dares give me the fate she has made all too clear she does not want for herself.

"You heard me. The werewolves will never accept a vampire as their ruler, but a witch could be different. Witches are more like your kind than we are. With time, they will love their new Luna," she lets go of my hand to play with my ponytail, "and how could they not, look at her."

I close my mouth shut, swatting her hand away from me. I look at her, repulsed.

"This issue does not involve witches. We have tried our best to remain neutral. There are some fateful to vampires like my coven and some fateful to wolves. Vampires and werewolves create this chaos. They kill anyone in their way. My kind is merely an obstacle for all of you."

Maddox continues, "That is all irrelevant and not the issue at hand."

Marisa looks at me seriously. Her grey eyes show the intensity she gives her enemies. Never have they been directed to me like this. She shifts her attention to Maddox next.

She plays with her long white hair, emotionless, "No, my marriage with alpha zain will be irrelevant. You think I am dumb and am nothing more than a capricious child, brother. Well, you are not the only one who wishes to see this end of violence come true. But, it will be done the right way, even if it seems longer. You want to throw me to the wolves. The truth is they can't wait to kill me. Not to mention, my union with alpha Zain has made quite the buzz with the other purebloods."

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