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Marisa smirks, there is a hint of mischief. "Oh, I'm aware of what you want, Helena. Not that your brute can understand how to make a girl happy, but all I've ever wished was for your utter pure satisfaction."

She winks at me, forgetting the standoff she is having with Zain.

"Helena, cums for me. It's my job to make sure she keeps it at that. The moment she starts to look for comfort from an outside party then I'm not worthy to be her man," Zain says in a dry tone.

I'm elated to hear my needs are put on a pedestal. These two fighting over what makes me happy is warming but slightly annoying considering it's the middle of the night.

"Like I was saying, I want you both to shut up. Seriously, guys, it's past midnight. I'm tired. Tomorrow will be a long day. My bad for starting something. Let's all go back to sleep." I sigh.

Marisa raises an eyebrow, "he's no fun. I don't like him."

"He's mine. Not yours to like," I say sharply, surprised by my response.

Heavy hands guide me back to the mattress. "You heard her Malfatto. Go to sleep."

His arms wrap around me again. I can feel the smirk as he plants a light kiss on my temple. He is more than satisfied with my response.

Marisa rolls her eyes. She wants to lay back down but she refuses because Zain said it.

Adam knows of her stubbornness. He lets out a breath and guides her down forcefully. Because it comes from him, she complies.

Pleasantly enough, the remainder of the night is uneventful. I'm not sure whether I'm disappointed or grateful.

I should keep things separate. I'll confuse Marisa. Even though, Marisa has long been done with me. She doesn't admit it.

She likes to taunt me. Before she is officially over me, I can see it in her eyes, the need to try and placate her curiosity.

Our morning is very calm. There is an anticipation for tonight's dinner. It gets everyone on their best behavior.

Marisa hasn't stopped messing with Zain. There is constant bickering. It's her way of pacifying her nerves.

She might trust Emmett but not the Ambrose line. That much has become clear.

Throughout the day, Zain and I sneak off on our own. Not to have sex. No. We share in each other's company. Get to know each other like he suggested.

I learned that when his parents died, he didn't want the alpha position. He resented the role because his father put others before his family.

He wanted to give it to Maddie. She denied it too. A alpha had costed her a mate. A price too deep for her to fathom.

It was her father's choices that led to my mother's actions in their mind. Our disappearance was present to Zain and Maddie .

I don't think that my mother's choices had anything to do with her father. There is this big feeling inside me that believes something is wrong. There is something I am not aware of.

You don't leave your family, the people you grew up with for a male. Especially, someone you have always been comfortable with.

If he was acting up, then she should have been able to tell him off. So why leave?

Zain took the position because his people wished for it. It's what they wanted. He felt an honor but burdened.

I also learned he hates the summer. He says wolves are meant for the cold. He has a very dry humor. He can make me laugh without meaning to. His sarcasm is top-notch.

His favorite color is green but hates brócoli. We spent the rest of the day light-heartedly disputing.

I mean, how can someone hate summer? There is the warm light, the summer breeze, and all the beautiful hues that come with it.

I tried not to get in my head, about this ominous feeling, as I got ready with Marisa.

"Why are we dressing up for these people?" I ask her eyeing at the green silk dress I have on.

Zain got it for me after Marisa insisted we all go dress up. He also managed to get her a red mini-dress with a slit up the thigh.

It's risky. I could never pull it off but Marisa is perfect.

She smiles at me, looking me up and down, "First, it's etiquette. These vamps are posh. They will judge. Second, they hate outsiders. They won't be too happy about the wolves and you so the least we should do is prove them wrong. If they think you guys are less, then let's not prove it to them by dressing up like jungle people to dinner."

I laugh, "Jungle people?"

"You know what I mean. Let them take you seriously, even if it means dressing up for them. Plus, you look great. Maddox will love it."

My cheek blushes at the sound of his name. "Marisa, that's not my concern."

"Yes. Yes. You are with the dog now. And yet, is that a heartbeat I hear speed up." She raises an eyebrow. Her too observant eyes looked me right into my soul.

"Of course. I will see my boys. I am excited to have them with us again."

"Same. I can't wait to leave this wretched place." She turns toward the door. Her statement has my feet planted on the ground.

At the lack of movement, she calls out my name. I get lost in thought.

"Leave this place? What do you mean?"

She turns to eye me again. Confusion etching her face.  "When we get Jason and Maddox back, we will return to Vales." She says it so decisively.

"And what of Zain or Maddie? I don't know how they feel or if they know the whole truth but if they do, then Jason won't leave her. I don't think so."

She gets closer to me, grabbing my hand. There is worry in her voice but conviction. "Listen, Helena, we cannot stay. This place has cost us too much already. We need to bury our dead and give them a proper ceremony. We owe explanations to their loved ones. Right now, the remains we were able to gather have been shipped home and buried but we need to give everyone a face. We owe them that."

I nod my head yes. She is right. They deserve a proper ceremony and the families an explanation. Not much was said to them besides they died in their duties and all will be explained.

We gave the families everything they needed for a small ceremony but they deserve more, much more. We will throw them a proper Vales burial.

I'm aware of this and yet I can't seem to want to go. "But Zain and Maddie..."

She scoffs, "Helena, this isn't our home. We tried but things failed here horribly. Now it's time to go."

"This isn't your home," I say quickly.

She backed away like if I slapped her, letting go of my hand. "There was a time when me and Maddox were your home."

I feel horrible. "You guys are... it's just expanded. This isn't easy."

"Answer me this, would you stay here knowing me and Maddox couldn't."

I don't know the answer to the question. Why must I choose?

I remain silent, hard to form sentences. Right when I'm about to say words that surely would end in a fight, Zain enters.

"It's time."

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