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The proposition becomes an actual question. It's not a trick. They need me to be with Maddox.

My mouth is slightly ajar at the revelation. I glimpse at Maddox. His face is stoic. His eyes are down. Until he senses me.

He flicks his gaze up, eyes shining with something unknown. For me, they have been a beacon. Always drawing me to him, to safety.

Now, underneath his golden iris, I don't see comfort. His luminous eyes draw me more to him. At my blatant staring, I see the corner of his mouth quirk up.

There is mischief in his gaze. I bite down on my lip at how nervous I am feeling. Then, like a switch, his eyes transition.

This Maddox is dangerous. He is harmful to me, unhealthy for my sanity and relationship.

I divert my gaze to my hands. I couldn't look into his eyes anymore without burning in them.

Large, warm hands are the first thing in view. I curse as I remind myself Zain is my mate. My mother has screwed us both over with the mess she has created.

Being with Zain is natural and instant. I reflect on Maddie's words.

I will protect my pack.

I always had.

The tiny pale hand in my other hand shakes me. How can I help Marisa without letting go of the hand that refuses to let me go?

Zain said it last night. He won't. He will never give up on me. Even if I don't pick him, he will still pick me forever. I can't do him wrong.

I don't want to hurt him. He does not deserve it.

The pale hand moves again. I glimpse up at her in confusion and she raises an eyebrow. Right, they are waiting for an answer.

I exhale and glimpse at Zain. I can tell he is holding back. He is waiting for my move.

I keep my gaze on him as I answer, but I let go of his hand. "So you want me to give up on my mate and marry Maddox because my mother has hexed you all?You are asking me to produce a baby with him. If I do this, then you will create a pact with Zain. My coven will be safe. That's the proposition. On the contrary, you will target them."

As I speak, I can see Zain's eyes go back and forward. He searches for something in me. Maybe, a sign of what my answer will be.

He tenses. Then relaxes. He can't figure me out. I haven't even figured it out. He is on the verge of shifting several times but he contains it.

I search for an answer in his eyes. I want to figure out his opinion. But I don't know where his mind is at.

A smooth voice cuts through me, "Amica mea."

I cut my gaze to look at Maddox. He has never begged anyone in his life. He is a willful man. But that's exactly what his eyes are doing.

There are no words. No movements from him. Yet his eyes are doing all the talking. I suck in a deep breath.

Zain broke my daze. "Do the words mate not register in your cold, hard head? Helena and I are a pair, ordained by our goddess. As Jason is meant for my sister, so that's another no. The Thorns are spoken for."

He does not want me to agree. I knew he wouldn't but does he truly understand the extremity of denying the proposal?

"Ahh yes. It's the reason we are here in the first place. Cheryl had to protect her children from the bad bloodsuckers because they were destined to the wolves," Arthur laughs but it is a cold one.

The hairs on my body stand. It's the fact that he is so relaxed but his voice conveys the underlying threat.

Zain matches his condescending tone, "Cheryl, against my initial thoughts, turned out to be a loyal pack member. She denied me my mate all these years but I think she knew we would reconnect. She doomed your species. This news was worth the trip, after all. Helena will not marry Maddox."

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